Yoga Reduces Cytokine Levels /Inflammation | Arthritis Information


ScienceDaily (Jan. 14, 2010) — Regularly practicing yoga exercises may lower a number of compounds in the blood and reduce the level of inflammation that normally rises because of both normal aging and stress, a new study has shown.

The study, done by Ohio State University researchers and just reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, showed that women who routinely practiced yoga had lower amounts of the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) in their blood.

The women also showed smaller increases in IL-6 after stressful experiences than did women who were the same age and weight but who were not yoga practitioners.

IL-6 is an important part of the body's inflammatory response and has been implicated in heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, arthritis and a host of other age-related debilitating diseases. Reducing inflammation may provide substantial short- and long-term health benefits, the researchers suggest. very interesting....  
I have a place down the road a ways that has yoga and mediations.......  I swear when I drive by it says: Sloooooooow downnnnn... commmmmmmmmme innnnnnnnnnnnn. 
It doesn't sound as if they used any fancy foot- or handwork. My hunch is that it's all in the ability of the brain to block out distractions........
This is a great connection to know about Lynn, thanks! 

Tara, it sounds like you are still practicing yoga to your benefit.  Short of a specific class for those with RA or osteoarthritis, all you can do is adapt it to get the benefit of stretching, breathing and what ROM you are able to do.  There are several poses I can no longer do, so like you, I adapted. 

Adaptation, the story of our lives!

Waddie, you're so right.  Adaptation is indeed the story of our lives!
I really enjoyed vinyasa flows, and felt they detoxified me and got blood through the joints well.  But it's so hard to even hold a downward dog, and chaturranga is completely out of the question.  I'm turning more toward restorative yoga with blankets and bolsters. 