Apple Cider Vinegar | Arthritis Information


I have just been told about apple cider vinegar being very good for my RA ????????  am looking at other things to take instead of NSAIDS as 600mg brufen sometimes works but cant be too good for my liver???? any advice would be greatly recieved Stefanos, cider vinegar is one of those "old wive's tales" remedies, as far as I'm concerned. 

Waddie, thanks for that link - off to investigate.
Hi Stefanos, we had an RA Group meeting on wednesday. Attending to give info was a nutritionist... and a new member (first ever visit). She has RA in her hands. Started on Sulphasalazine but it really upset her system so she stopped and has been researching help by what she eats. She mentioned to the nutritionist that she'd heard about apple cider and wanted to know if it would work.

The nutritionist said that apple cider works for some people and is very good for people with RA due to the fact when our bodies break it down it becomes an alkali as opposed to acid. So you wont know unless you try I suppose.
My RD doctor wrote me a script for medical food called Limbrel. An osteo drug actually. You can google it. That is my replacement for NSAID's. It does not upset your stomache. many thanks to all who have responded up to now   I am trying the apple cider ( shame its not the alcohol type lol) and i will keep you all up to date, as I live on a small greek island the more up to date meds are not easy to get out here so will try all i can. Keep watching this space ......... easyzz.
