Loss of sleep increases inflammation in the body | Arthritis Information


Loss of sleep, even for a few short hours during the night, can prompt one's immune system to turn against healthy tissue and organs. A new article in the 15th September issue of Biological Psychiatry, by the UCLA Cousins Centre research team, reports that losing sleep for even part of one night can trigger the key cellular pathway that produces tissue-damaging inflammation. The findings suggest a good night's sleep can ease the risk of both heart disease and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Specifically, the researchers measured the levels of nuclear factor (NF)-kB, a transcription factor that serves a vital role in the body's inflammatory signalling, in healthy adults. These measurements were repeatedly assessed, including in the morning after baseline (or normal) sleep, after partial sleep deprivation (where the volunteers were awake from 11 PM to 3:00 AM), and after recovery sleep. In the morning after sleep loss, they discovered that activation of NF-kB signalling was significantly greater than after baseline or recovery sleep. It's important to note that they found this increase in inflammatory response in only the female subjects.

These data close an important gap in understanding the cellular mechanisms by which sleep loss enhances inflammatory biology in humans, with implications for understanding the association between sleep disturbance and risk of a wide spectrum of medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, certain cancers, and obesity. John H. Krystal, M.D., Editor of Biological Psychiatry and affiliated with both Yale University School of Medicine and the VA Connecticut Healthcare System, comments: 'The closer that we look at sleep, the more that we learn about the benefits of sleeping. In this case, Irwin and colleagues provide evidence that sleep deprivation is associated with enhancement of pro-inflammatory processes in the body.'

'Physical and psychological stress brought on in part by grinding work, school and social schedules is keeping millions of Americans up at night,' said Dr Irwin, lead author and director of the Cousins Centre for Psychoneuroimmunology at the Semel Institute. 'America's sleep habits are simply not healthy. Our findings suggest even modest sleep loss may play a role in common disorders that affect sweeping segments of the population.' In other words, sleep is vitally important to maintaining a healthy body. And as Dr Krystal notes, 'these findings provide a potential mechanistic avenue through which addressing sleep disturbance might improve health.'

Source: Elsevier
Thanks for the article Lev! Boy do I believe this one! I definatly notice how much worse my ra is when I get less than 7-8 hrs of sleep, but also notice feeling worse if I sleep too long too! I second that! EVERYTHING is worse the day after a sleepless night. Interesting article Lev, thanksAnd it seems to start a vicious cycle.  Lack of sleep increases inflammation; increased inflammation and discomfort leads to lack of sleep...  grrr! And - IMHO - migraines!  I have had disturbed sleep for 3 days running and have had migraines allll three days, lack of sleep has always been a flare trigger for meSnowOwl,
Do you have one of those cervical pillows they sell in the surgical supply store? they sell for maybe and are well worth it. Maybe 6" in diameter with a zipper covering for washing.
You mentioned the E-collar for puss and it reminded me about the little cervical pillow I made for my dog - a tiny version of what I have. I used a diaper pin to secure it to his dog bed. He loved it because it supported his head/neck region once he got older. 
But back on the subject of sleep.......my endocrinologist gave me another reason to get a good night's sleep. Sleep deprivation may be one cause to American's obesity epidemic.
Feel better!
Sam12342010-01-22 21:13:55
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