Flipped from Hypothyoid to Graves Disease | Arthritis Information


Something odd happened to me recently:  I tested positive for Graves Disease.

This is really interesting since I was hypothyroid for 17 years and then in the past year noticed my TSH near rock bottom [signifying hyperthyroidism].
Yes, Graves Disease is autoimmune. [No surprise there, right?]
Anyone else with autoimmune arthritis also have this thyroid problem?
Sam did they do a TSI test ( Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobin ) . Thats a pretty definitive test for GravesYes,  the TSI was positive. Granted, it was on the low side, 1.4, but anything greater than 1.2 is considered posititive for Graves.I have RA and Hashimotos.  My dad had RA and Graves, then just about a year before he passed away, the endocrinologist said he was hypo and took him off his meds.  I guess his meds worked too well.I'm sorry to hear that Sam - as if you don't have enough going on.  These bodies of ours keep on coming up with new tricks, don't they?   [QUOTE=kweenb]I have RA and Hashimotos.  My dad had RA and Graves, then just about a year before he passed away, the endocrinologist said he was hypo and took him off his meds.  I guess his meds worked too well.[/QUOTE]
That's what I thought, too [that my meds were working too well]. But I don't think that was the case for me.  I was perfectly stable with Synthroid controlling Hashimoto's for almost 20 years. Then [and don't laugh] I had a tetanus booster and I swear it sent my system into battle. I had an unheard of reaction followed by suddenly abnormal readings for homocysteine, B12, and Vitamin D. My TSH sank lower than a snake's belly. We reduced the Synthroid and I still kept getting rock bottom TSH  values. Started taking Vitamin D......
You know what? Nothing surprises me anymore. But if I hear one more doctor tell me that the Tdap booster didn't set off a domino effect I think I'll scream.
The more I deal with this stuff the more I realize we're in the Dark Ages as far as medicine goes.
My Thyroid right now is fluctuating between Hyper and normal. Had all the test, scans etc. I get really bad heart palpations from this. RD says it Hashimotos...Endo said it was thyroiditis. On the brighter side...I can eat anything and not gain weight . But when my thyroid shifts, the weight starts going back on. Best of luck, Make sure you see and endocrinologist. Thanks, Chris. I've been seeing an endocrinologist every three months for the last 20 years.
As for what your RD and endocrinologist have diagnosed.....go with what your endocrinologist says. RD's are not experts in thyroids.
Your thyroid is fluctuating between normal and hyper? Is that while you're on medication? If so, your endo will probably want to reduce the med dose until it stabilizes. At least yours is fluctuating......mine's been flat into hyper now for some time.
Have you had the antibodies tests?
Sam, I absolutely believe you and am not laughing about the tetanus booster setting off a domino effect in your autoimmune issues.  My RA was in full remission on MTX, Plaquenil and Voltarin years ago, with no joint damage.  I felt so good, went back to night college where I had an MMR booster (measles, mumps, rubella).  The RA raged back like the gates of hell opening and demons flying out.  The wrist of the arm where I got the booster shot ended up fused.

My RD actually agreed with me that the booster set off the reaction. 
You can't imagine how it feels to hear that someone else has experienced the same thing. [I'm sorry that you went through it, though.] 
Here's the kicker:  I had the Tdap in Jan of 2008. It took me at least 3 months before I started getting better. That fall I opted to NOT get the regular flu shot, which never bothered me in the past. I figured my body went through enough that year and I wasn't about to introduce more foreign invaders. Then in the fall of 2009 - about 18 months after the Tdap - I figured I was safe for a flu shot again. Bad move. It flipped another switch and all systems went berserk again.
Am so glad I didn't get the H1N1.....I can only imagine what my body's response would have been to that one.
I found out I have DDD [Degenerative Disc Disease] a couple weeks ago. This diagnosis I got from an orth surgeon who specializes in the back/spine. I was in flare mode. He asked me what I thought caused the recent flare and without hesitation I said the last flu shot. He didn't bat an eye.
I've convinced that with autoimmune diseases it's probably best not to introduce any organisms, real or man-made that the body hasn't been exposed to. So as much as I hate to do it, I'm crossing flu shots off my list in the future. I'll take my chances.

After reading your posr post Sam,  I'm beginning to wonder if I should have had the H1N1 flu vaccine.

I've taken enbrel for a couple of months now.  I had no site reactions until after the 4th injection which was a few days after my flu shot.
I mentioned this to my doctor and she said it would have nothing to do with it and it was necessary that I get the flu shot.
I notice a worsening of my syptoms.  I have involvement in a few more joints, nothing I can't handle but I think it's time to see oif she can fit me in for a quick visit.
Your post made me think aboot being a little more proactive.  


Every time I see your name I think of Snow Owls and how beautiful they are – and that always brings a smile.

I saw the orth surgeon a week ago and he took the x-rays. I thought I had Ankylosing Spondylitis, which would not be unheard of since I have PsA [same HLA-B27 antigen]. But I don’t. The DDD is primarily in my L-1, L-2, lower Cervical,  and upper Thoracic areas. He prescribed physical therapy. [I’m such a frequent flyer there!]  But three trips to PT and I’m feeling worse in some ways, better than others.

I see the RD on Thursday. When I saw him 6 weeks ago he did not want to do any x-raying at the time because I had very low Vitamin D and had just commenced Vitamin D treatment, so he wanted to sit back and wait to see if it helped. [It did…..a bit…..but I think a have multiple problems going on at the time. Isn’t that ALWAYS the case for us?]

Luckily my spirits are in great shape – if anything, I’m annoyed that all this is happening.

I agree a 100000% with being proactive and being educated about our diseases. Luckily research doesn’t intimidate me and I’m pompous enough to tell my doctors what I think…..even if they laugh. [He who laughs last, laughs best, right?]

Attached is a link that shows the spinal column.


I intentionally didn’t have the H1N1 because my experiences in the past year or so with vaccines have been adverse [and this was never the case prior to that - I swore by flu shots]. If my body is going to react to a vaccine, then it usually does within a month or less. Of course, YMMV [your mileage may vary], but that seems to be a prudent yardstick. But if you’re beyond a month, Dotty, it’s probably safe to say that you’re home clear.

Remember how the CDC was saying not to get the H1N1 injection at the same time as the flu shot? I believe no one should get shots closer than a month apart.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, all my doctors told me the Tdap couldn’t cause all my problems and neither could the flu shot. Baloney.  A year from now we’ll look at the FDA adverse effects list and see a ton of complaints similar to ours, mark my words.

I will say that my orth surgeons are paying attention to me about  flu shots being the cause of inflammation in people with autoimmune diseases. Ever since one of the doctors in their community came down with Guillain-Barre after a flu shot......now they pay attention.
We must be proactive and create awareness in our doctors. If they hear it often enough from a lot of patients they just might get the message.
We also need to learn that most of us with autoimmune diseases don't like foreign invaders. So drugs should be gradually introduced.
For what it's worth, I haven't been living in isolation and have yet to catch a cold or flu this year. But I credit that to my Howard Hughes-like compulsion to keep "Wet Ones" antibacterial wipes in my car, my home, my office, my luggage......any time I go into a store and exchange money or credit cards I wipe down the minute I get in my car. Religious about that.
Sam12342010-01-25 12:33:44My RD agrees with you about introducing meds carefully, btw. Interesting..
Ive always wondered if my autoimmune issues have something to do with the confirmed case of Lyme I had. I was treated at the time with a long course of 2 different antibiotics. My RD says it doesn't really matter (from a treatment standpoint) what set off my immune system, just that it is in overdrive now.

Anyway.... I hope you get some relief soon Sam.   
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