update on husband | Arthritis Information


the test didn't go well today, He'll have open heart surgery on Mon. or tues.  if all other test is ok.  He has a lot wrong.  So glad I didn't listen to Reg. doctor and got him in to see heart dr.  Good for You. We will all be praying for you and your husband. Try to get a little rest. So glad you got your husband to the right doctors.Rusty, I'm so sorry this is happening, but am so very glad you consulted a cardiologist. I think it's far more prudent to go to a specialist and find you've wasted your time and money than NOT to go and find out the hard way that the condition is far more serious than a primary care doctor seems to think it is.

Think positive. Cardiologists have a huge bag of rabbits they can pull out of the hat.
I'm praying for you.
Rusty,  thanks you all, after 14 hours at a hospital, it just  feft good to come in here and talk. 
Most of family works, but being the week end they will be there for me. they are going to take off Mon.  If it's not till Tues. some will not be able to be there.  I'm really sorry too.  I'll be praying for you both.I am sorry to hear that he needs surgery, but good for you for taking him to the specialist!  You got to trust your gut when it comes to all things medical.
Let us know how the surgery goes, and try to take care of yourself as well.
Best wishes to you both - keep us posted. Husband has been in lot of pain  because of laying for 8 hours on his back, his arthritis is acting up.  They did an upper GI on him today and found no bleeding, but his kidney are, as he put it on the line of stage 3-4. and will stop working during surgery and he'll need dialysis to restart them.  maybe dialysis for rest of his life or it could kill him.  Funny no one never told us he had a kidney problem till now.  We knew he had heart problem, just not this bad.  I feel we have to do something.   He has to have 2 vains replaced and a valve replaced. 
They put off surgery till Tue. or Wen.  If every thing goes as planned.rusty2010-01-23 22:50:55Wow Rusty I'm so sorry! I second what Snow said, I have a lot harder time dealing with my husbands health problems than I do my own.
Good for you for getting your husband the help he needs. You are a good wife Rusty.
Take care of yourself too. You are going to need your strength!

I'll be praying for you guys. keeping your husband and you in my thoughts and prayers, Rusty.Thanks, you all, things keep getting worse.  his kindneys had gone from 1.3 up to 2.4 yesterday, today 2.3.  they have to get the number down or they can't do anything.  The doctor was talking about kidney failer today.  His  blood count was low. they gave him 2 pints of blood today.  Im spending 12 to 16 hours a day at the hospital.  I don't know He is scare and don't want me to leave him, when I go home he calls and begs me to come back. Please keep praying.Tell him we are praying for him. Try to get some rest.

oh rusty..  

so sorry this is all happening....
please try .. TRY to take care of you while you are traveling to and from the hospital and spending your day there.... 
Keeping you close in my thoughts ...... hoping for the best!!
came home to feed the dogs and myself. He's so much better today, kidneys are back down to 1.4. I got to the hospital at 5:20 this morning to catch the doctor, why do they come so early.   He had another upper gi scope today miner bleeding. Going to do the lower tomorrow, if all goes well, surgery the next day.  Have you ever wanted something done for someone you love, because you know it has to be done,  but yet your scared to dead and hopping it don't happen, very mixed feelings.  Gotta go...Take care

Oh my goodness, Rusty! Rusty, Snow is so right about taking care of yourself, you won't do him any good at all if he ends up worrying about you!  Please don't feel you must be at the hospital to the extent of making yourself ill.  I remember running DH out of the room on two occasions so he would get the rest he needed to keep himself healthy.  My beautiful aunt arranged for a hotel room right next to the hospital for just this reason.  This solved the issue of being minutes from the hospital as well as having a quiet place for rest.

The most important thing I learned from my experience is to let go of things I have no control over and to have faith.  Breathing, sharing, hugging, eating right and good sleep enabled me to let go of the stress and, the love and support of my family and friends helped me to have the faith I needed.  I leaned heavily on SnowOwl to work through my fears, and I am grateful for the help and advice I got from others here as well.  (
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