Sad...OT... | Arthritis Information


I had a really tough day yesterday. One of my little Yorkies died Saturday. It was wasn't pretty...and it has me rattled. I really feel bad emotionally and physically. (although my Cleveland clinic visit went well...I am to continue treatments as usually) I think the stress causes me fatigue and pain.

Anyhow...My little Mia was a family baby...she weighed in at 2.6 pounds...she would of been 7 years old...At first when we woke up and heard her we thought we almost suffocated her. It was frightening. She has slept with us all her life. When I picked her up she was limp, eyes budging and her head just rolled. She was breathing really hard. We rushed her to the emergency vet...short end of story...she died...apparently her stomach or bowel twisted...this according to the vet because of her blood work indicated it to be some type of infection or something...The vet said that when this happens in a dog this size it goes bad real quick for them. The little tiny dogs do not have the reserve large dogs have.

I told the vet I thought we suffocated her...( I still can't shake that thought ) ...she finally said that it could of been possible but in her medical training it pointed to a strangled intestine. IDK.

My little MIA was such a tiny. I always said I would never have another dog so small. I am sort of against breeding the dogs down...we got her to rescue her....over the years people would offer us thousands of dollars for her...well one man did for sure...the man fixed the fan in my attic...then came back later that night and wanted to buy her! if...

It is hard to explain to people how a fury little creature can steal your heart and become one of the family. I understand some folks are not animal lovers. I can say I never really was a huge animal lover. But my two little Yorkies have my heart. And I am missing my MIA something terrible. I brought her home in a little tiny box and we went in the woods in our back yard and buried her under a dogwood tree. She always wanted to go into the woods but her size kept her from entering. Sometimes in early spring if the grass was to tall she couldn't navigate the yard....she was our baby.

I know this is long and a bit rambling...but it is my heart right now.

I am so, so sorry. I'm still getting over my Shih Tzu's death from 10 years ago, so I know exactly what you're going through. My thoughts are with you.
Trust in what the veterinarian told you - they see this kind of thing and can readily identify it.  It's not your fault.
If it's any minor consolation, Rainbow Bridge is a  wonderful place to be.
I am so sorry.  I love my animals, they are part of the family.
The vet will tell you the truth...I had a friend lose their dog to a twisted bowel and it sounds similar. Very sudden and unexpected. 
So sorry Lisa. I lost my beloved shepherd mix Sage to a twisted bowel 6 mos ago. She was 14 and quite disabled from arthritis, but had managed to get into a bag of doggie jerky. She looked very much like you describe... Oh I miss her so much! This is really hard Lisa, but I hope it's some comfort to know that we know how you feel. Aww...Lisa...I'm so sorry this happened.  It's so difficult to lose our little pets.  We lost our Monty almost a year ago and it was one of the hardest things to go through.  Just the other day I was putting photos in my new digital photo frame and came across photos of Monty and it was like being right back at that difficult time when looking at his photos. 
What a beautiful photo of Mia. Just beautiful. I'm so sorry you lost her.   I'm glad she's in your yard (we have Monty in our backyard)  Even though I found it hard to have Monty in our yard and not with us, I'm comforted by the thought that he's there was just too hard in the beginning knowing he was out there.  I'm sure you'll feel the same way.
Take care Lisa
I am so sorry to wake up and read of your loss:(  Please try and take care of yourself during this difficult time.oh dear.. I am so sorry for your loss...  *hugs*
I know how you feel having awakened in the night w/ my Lab, Bandit (15 years ago) and let him out thinking he was sick... I lay down on the couch cause he wouldnt' come back in and I wanted to hear him when he did....  The next morning my Ex woke me and asked where the dog was.. I told him..and we went into the yard to find him under the deck breathing his last breath....  He had flipped his stomach....   Terribly sad.. and I so understand.  You must know that your little puppers knew how cherished he was.. and enjoyed being spoiled and loved by you.  He had a happy life!!
My little Cairns are such happiness and delight to me.......  like my extended children...
I am so sorry about your furbaby.
I'm so sorry. I too have loss a  beloved fur baby... the grief is really hard.. may your memories get you thru this hard time.. Jan

So sorry about your loss!  I know how devastating it can be.  It has been about ten years since we lost our dog of 13 years.  She was a mixed bread, part Samoyed and we're not sure what else.  She was unlike yours, as in her prime, she weighed in at 78 pounds!  She was big, fuzzy and very loveable as well as protective!  We still haven't been able to bring ourselves to getting another dog, as no other could ever take her place.  Take care and don't blame yourself!

 am sorry for your loss. Poor little Mia.
You certainly did NOT suffocate her. She was breathing and awake. 
It was a strangled intestine.
How are you doing today, Inflamed?Lisa, I am so sorry!  Hi Inflammed,
I am sorry .  I understand how hard it can be. I hope you start to feel better soon. People can become very attached to their pets, just as if they were their own children. They do bring us happiness and help us through our hard times. Don't be hard on yourself about thinking you might have done something to cause this, the vet said it was something else and I'm sure she wouldve let ya know if she needed you to move...Keep your chin up, things will get better with time.  Good thoughts are comming your way...
Thank you all for your kind words and understanding. We had a family dog before the little girls (Mia and Sassy)..our family dog was sam and he was very dear to us. I made the decision to have him put to sleep, he grew very old and was blind and started having mini strokes and lost control of his body functions. I would have to help him out the back door and down the 2 steps off the patio.
Making the choice to have him put to sleep was an act of love...his qaulity of life went down hill and he was miserable. We loved him , he was 14 years old and a large dog.
With Mia she was half that age and was so healthy, full of life and love.
I am feeling okay, I slept better last night and that helped alot. I know time will help heal the loss I is just so unbelievable how much it hurts my heart losing her.
Again, thank you all for your kindness. It does help....I appreciate it.
