Humira Stopped Working | Arthritis Information


I had a virus between  my Humira injection date's and seem to be getting a fair amount of joint pain as if the humira has stopped working. I spoke to my Doc and he thinks that this is just temp due to my antibodies going into hyperdrive.  Has anyone else had this problem, and if so did it get better on it's own.

I have been on Humira for around 4 years and the results have been truly amazing and life changing, the thought of going back to the pain and stiffness is unbearable.
Every time I have to delay my shot due to infection it takes 3-4 injections before I get the relief normally.  One time I had to skip a whole shot and it took about 2 months of bad pain before it helped again so stick with it and do everything you can to avoid infections.  During these periods I have to take 3 oxycodone 10mg three times a day.  Good luck.
