Humaira and heart Palpatations | Arthritis Information


Just a quick survey.. Has anyone experienced a racing heart on Humaira or other Biologics? I have been on this medication for a little over a year , have been put on 2 different meds to control my palpitations. I guess I am putting 2 and 2 together because I stopped Humaira for a month to see if it was working because I was not noticing an improvement. I decided to go back on it this past Saturday and my heart is in constant race mode. I have a horrible time getting to sleep and even though I am on Atenolol 100 mg to stop the is not helping. I just read a racing heart is a side effect...any thoughts?
Chris Hi Chris, I take Humira once weekly and have noticed no palpitations.  I also take Flexeril, Metaprolol, Wellbutrin, Biotin, fish oil and occasionally, Vicoden (PRN) so our medications are not too dissimilar.  Since my heart valve surgery, the CD has kept a close lookout for heart palpitations and so far, (knock on wood!) so good.  Palpitations are the reason I take Metaprolol - to prevent them. 

Is Humira the first biologic you have taken?  Do you see a cardiologist?  Maybe a heart check up is in order.  Sometimes, we are so use to blaming everything on RA and the drugs used to treat RA that we miss the real culprit! 

I hope you find the answer soon!

waddie2010-01-27 11:03:56Thanks Waddie, I have not seen a cardiologist yet and I was also on Enbrel before. So I am not sure but will check this out with my doc.I experienced palpitations and a racing heartbeat for a while on Humira (...about 2 months) then the symptoms slowly disappeared.  I wore a monitor for a while but my doctor didn't think it was of any major concern.  I was never sure if it was the Humira or just another symptom of RA.  I was also a bit anemic at the time which can also cause heart palpitations.  I eventually stopped Humira when it's effectiveness faded but it served me well for most of the 2.5 years I took it.

I took Humira for 5 years and never had that problem