Proof is lacking concerning dietary supplements | Arthritis Information


Shelf after shelf of strangely named bottles fill an entire aisle at Whole Foods Market. There are "CoQ10" softgels, "charcoal" pills and mysterious "hoodia" tablets. But why would anyone take charcoal? What exactly is a CoQ10? And can you eat a hoodia?

Look closely at the labels: CoQ10 pills help your heart work; charcoal absorbs all those unfriendly gases and toxins; and hoodia aids in shedding those pounds. Going down the aisle, you can find a natural sex enhancement, a memory booster and a vitamin to help eyesight.

Should you be taking them all? Some nutritionists and doctors say you shouldn't be taking any of them.

The supplement craze has gone into overdrive: Everyone seems to be sipping fish oil or popping multivitamin pills in the pursuit of healthful living. But for all the boastful packaging, there is no conclusive proof that supplements work the professed magic.
Ever notive  how your doctor makes you stop taking all these things before you have surgery?
I think the whole thing is an overkill. If you have a need for a vitamin or supplement - AS DETERMINED BY BLOOD TEST - then have your doctor prescribe it and buy it from the pharmacy, not off the shelf.
Be careful. I understand some of the health food stores and online "pharmacies" are selling blood test kits. Who knows how reliable they are????
Don't for a minute think that all vitamins and supplements are harmless. Not true. Some are very toxic when taken inappropriately.
