Anger Self-Assessment Test | Arthritis Information


T    F   1.    I've had trouble on the job because of my temper.

T    F   2.    People say that I fly off the handle easily.

T    F   3.    I don't always show my anger, but when I do, look out.

T    F   4.    I still get angry when I think of the bad things people did to me in the past.

T    F   5.    I hate lines, and I especially hate waiting in line.

T    F   6.    I often find myself engaged in heated arguments with the people who are close

                  to me.

T    F   7.    At times I've felt angry enough to kill.

T    F   8.    When someone says or does something that upsets me, I don't usually say

                  anything at the time, but later I spend a lot of time thinking of cutting replies I

                  could and should have made.

T    F   9.    I find it very hard to forgive someone who has done me wrong.

T    F   10.  I get angry with myself when I lose control of my emotions.

T    F   11.  I get aggravated when people don't behave the way they should.

T    F   12.  If I get really upset about something, I have a tendency to feel sick later

                 (frequently experiencing weak spells, headaches, upset stomach or diarrhea).

T    F   13.  When things don't go my way, I "lose it."

T    F   14.  I am apt to take frustration so badly that I cannot put it out of my mind.

T    F   15.  I've been so angry at times I couldn't remember what I said or did.

T    F   16.  Sometimes I feel so hurt and alone that I've thought about killing myself.

T    F   17.  After arguing with someone, I despise myself.

T    F   18.  When riled, I often blurt out things I later regret saying.

T    F   19.  Some people are afraid of my bad temper.

T    F   20.  When I get angry, frustrated or hurt, I comfort myself by eating or using

                 alcohol or other drugs.

T    F   21.  When someone hurts me, I want to get even.

T    F   22.  I've gotten so angry at times that I've become physically violent, hitting other

                 people or breaking things.

T    F   23.  I sometimes lie awake at night thinking about the things that upset me during

                  the day.

T    F   24.  People I've trusted have often let me down, leaving me feeling angry or


T    F   25.  I'm an angry person. My temper has already caused lots of problems, and I

                 need help changing it.

Scoring the Anger Self-Assessment Test. If you answered true to 10 or more of these questions, you are prone to anger problems and may choose to call yourself a rageaholic and join our fellowship.  If you answered true to 5 questions, you are about average in your angry feelings, but learning some anger management techniques can make you happier.


you know the people who most need this test won't think its applicable to them :([QUOTE=buckeye]you know the people who most need this test won't think its applicable to them :([/QUOTE]
I know, but I had to try....OMG Lynn, I really, really feel sorry for those that flunked this test.  Just think of how they feel inside and what it does to the whole body.  I think that they need our prayers more than our sympathy.   Oh how pathetic!!!!   Did you fail the test.  I didn't.TeedOff2010-02-06 15:58:23

Why is this pathetic? It is just a fun little compass to judge our own anger by.

I did not find it to make me annoyed or angry. 
Thanks Lynn. I am average...and I know I need work ;0)
I think I manage anger and stress really well. But admittedly I almost lose it when I have to stand in line. I seriously ask myself if it's worth standing in line for. What really frosts me is those people in the supermarket who are checking out and just gab and gab and gab with the cashier - I know I should feel sorry for them - it's probably the only human contact some of these people have all day. But I just HATE it. Patience is not one of my strong points.
I never rip anyones face off or break their leg in anger. I do that after being sure that they actually deserve it and that it will make them a better person. And then I do it with pleasure.
Lev i think you have been watching too many country music videos. I am trying to picture an older gentlemen with RA breaking a bar stool over someones head just before he gets thrown across the room. Well I guess I do not know your age. Regardless I am glad you are feelling better.23 is a gotcha with me...........

At some point in my 59 years of living and being brutally honest with myself, I'd say
guilty with all but 5 of the questions.
Hopefully age has mellowed the beast within.
I'm glad this wasn't on the list...
I get upset when people drive slower than the speed limit while in the passing lane.
[QUOTE=kweenb]I'm glad this wasn't on the list...