Humira- I did it! | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

After pestering you all for 2 years with my fears and reservations about adding a biologic I wanted to tell you today I did it!!!!

I finally decided that bearable pain was not acceptable in my life. I know other people cannot function like I can even on the biologics and I always felt like maybe I didn't have anything to complain about or maybe I was being a big baby over nothing. But it just got to me. I just got tired of always being aware of background pain which was a constant reminder that I have RA. I have grown kind of comfortable having pain- like it is an RA badge or something...
Well I'm hoping that badge is going to be torn from my chest. I want to forget I have RA.

I have been soooooooooooooooooo fearful of self administered shots. Especially since almost everyone said they really hurt- like a bee sting. I went to the doctor today and he administered the first shot to teach me. He had me practice with a needleless pen several times. He was going to have me do my shot but when I knew that needle was going to come out I wasn't holding the pen tight enough against my belly. So he took over and Click! Yes it was a little pinch and a little sting but nothing like a bee to me! I kept waiting for it to intensify but it never did!

So now we just wait and see if  I become pain free. He said if I don't see it in 2 months then it isn't going to happen and we can try something else.

I can't believe how worked up I had myself over NOTHING!

BTW- My co-pay was going to be 0. I called the Humira co pay assistance number (on their website) and they are paying all but of my co pay. No salary questions asked. I am not poor by any means but 0 was going to be a hardship. I didn't think I would be eligible but no salary questions were asked. I thought this may be helpful info to people who may be struggling or not pursuing it because they think they can't afford it.

I am so pleased for you. I know that when i started Humira I was so frightened. Im not even sure what of. I think I had visions of every side affect attacking me immediately. I really hope it works for you,  make sure you give it time. That is the worse part, the waiting but  hopefully it will happen quickly.
Take care
Hey WTB!  I am so happy that you finally took the plunge.  I hope it works for you, I REALLY do.  It was a  piece of cake, wasn't it?


Good for you!!!
Hope it works and you feel 100%

Way to go!  Hope it works quickly and you can enjoy pain-free days very soon.

That is WONDERFUL news, wannabe!!
I am so happy to hear it did not sting like you thought it would. Seems us needle-pobes tend to think the worst of getting a shot. Probably because we remember that one shot that made us a needle-pobe.
Hope it kicks in for you really soon, and that you will be pain free soon!
Hugs to you!
That is great news!!!  Hope you get great results!!:)Way to go!  I know what a big step that was for you Thanks all for your kind responses!  I feel so proud of myself- there is nothing like facing your fears and finding you had it in you all along! I sure hope it works too! YAY!!!  I'm so happy for you!! I hope you find the relief you deserve, wantto!!!

I too hope that Humira works for you.  I've not gotten a ton of relief from Orencia but it's doing something so I'm sticking with it for a little bit longer.   I told you the self injecting wasn't so bad didn't I?  It's not the most pleasant thing in the world but you get used to it and after a while, if the drug works, you won't mind the little stick every now and again.
Thanks Babs!
Thanks Bob- you did tell me the injections would not be that bad- I didn't believe anybody!
Glad the Orencia is doing a little something- hope it just needs a little more time to kick in.
I just posted that today I am feeling achier than normal- hoping it's just a coincidence.
Hi!  I am so happy for you and I sure hope this works out!  Please let us know!  I am on Humira too, and I now do my shot on Mondays so you aren't alone! 

Waddie- my Humira bud! Did you take your shot this Monday that just passed or are we on off weeks?Congrats chica! Its not so bad, right? I know I was really worried about the whole thing too.. but now I just go "oh yeah, its thursday" and grab the pen straight out of the fridge and inject it. No warming it up or anything (Yes, I know, I'm quite the stud )
One thing its taken me a while to wrap my brain around is the fact that I will still have off days, even on enbrel. I've felt positively crapalicious for the last week or so. My fibro has something to do with it, but the ache in my wrists and shoulders is definitely RA. Stupid weather....
Hope this makes you feel brand new! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!
I'm so excited you took the plunge and started Humira and I hope it relieves all your symptoms. Keep us in the loop! Yay