Anyone here have Narcolepcy | Arthritis Information


I am so sleepy right now. if you see a bunch of unrecognized letters in this post don't worry it's just my head hitting the keyboard.  OMG!!!  Doc diagnosed me with narcolepcy and my DANG!! insurance company denied the meds.  Now I'm sleepy... I don't know what else to do.  How do you stay awake during the day.  my son (14 y/o)'s friend has it.. he takes meds to stay awake.....  Great big healthy kid!! he's over 6 feet tall at age 14 So sorry to hear about this. This is most likely auto immune. It is my feelling that chronic fatigue is beginning stages of narcolepsey.

There are agencies that could help you pay for the medicine. This is an extreem disability. I know you have no way to fight for yourself when you are this tired.
I slept for three months straight once. It made little scence to me that I was to take a pill to wake up. how do you take a pill when you are asleep. I hope you have someone to help take care of you.
Have you asked your gp or anyone for some prednisone in the mean time. It may help keep you awake a little so you can find another way to get your meds paid.
maybe someone can give you a link to get help paying for the meds?
