Ode to the Saints (or) Leila lost a bet | Arthritis Information


Yes SnowOwl, your Saints won the Super Bowl. So here, as promised, is a poem composed in their honor...

There once was a man named Drew Brees-us
(See? I made his name rhyme with Jesus)
To victory he led the Saints
Happy? Believe me, I taints
But I did learn one thing...Hell freezes!

Ps.. Thank you Waddie for the definition of taint ( means ain't... for any non-southerners like me)..
Now let me know if you want a Saints haiku..  Awesome!!ok, for you SnowOwl..... I will now demonstrate the ancient and beautiful art of Haiku...


Saints win the Big Game
God sends blizzards and earthquakes
Coincidence? Taint!

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