Gson has RSVP | Arthritis Information


This poor child cannot get well this winter, now it is RSV....we take him to the Peds every other dayjodejjr2010-02-11 13:00:38RSV is not fun!  My son got the RSV shot until he was two since he was a preemie.

Hope he feels better!
Poor kids!
I didn't know what RSV is, so I had to go a-hunting.
Hopefully he gets well soon and does not have too much trouble with it. My baby niece had it last year and was fine after a few weeks. I know in the past I had a friend who's child had terrible problems with it. They ended up taking him to Shriner's Hospital and getting the poor lad steroid shots in his lungs.
It was the most horrible misdiagnosed story. The local peds and hospital told her to take the child home and watch him die. So the father took him to Shrinner's and he just had under developed lungs. So he had been misdiagnosed with paralized lungs. Can you imagine if someone had just taken the word of the doctors that said he was uncureable. I shutter to think about it. The story had a happy ending. The boy recovered from the RSV as well as the under developed lungs.
My niece did need a nebulizer for a few weeks. Keep us posted on your grand baby. Prayers for your little one. I am sure he will do just fine.
We had a bout with RSV when our youngest was a baby.  Scary times - 2 ER visits, peds office every other day.  Breathing treatments, nebulizers, OMG it was nerve-wracking. It took a few weeks, but eventually he recovered with no lasting problems. awww- I had never heard of it- followed Sam's link. Sure hope he's feeling better soon!Thanks so much, this has been rough. I thought they were gonna put him on the nebulizer but they are dragging their feet on it. [QUOTE=jodejjr]Thanks so much, this has been rough. I thought they were gonna put him on the nebulizer but they are dragging their feet on it.[/QUOTE]

The nebulizer was a godsend, in my opinion.  Both boys had bouts of wheezing when they were infants/toddlers, especially our first-born.  Having that nebulizer at home prevented many urgent-care visits.(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Jode))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Man it is rough when little one are ill. Poor lil man.
Hang in there, Prayer for quick, full recovery.
Hey, Jode! How is he doing now?
A nebulizer works wonders!! Albuterol is a wonderful med; just watch out for him acting a little sporty afterwards. LOL
