How Are You Spending Valentine's Day? | Arthritis Information


Nothing! My ex has been drinking again so no amount of flowers or chocolates or tears will make me waver. Well the tears maybe only because his Dad had a stroke and is having seziuers. So I may go up to the hospital and sit with him? If he gives me flowers or candy I am throwing them in the trash.Milly, sorry to hear it. Give the flowers to someone at the hospital!
My husband and I are going to shop for last minute things for our upcoming trip, and just spend the day together. He dislikes what he calls "Hallmark Holidays" and refuses to shop for them. That's fine, he's good to me all the time, but I'm glad the rest of the world doesn't share his feelings. I had a good day at the gallery yesterday, with decent sales for a change. Not sure...we have reservations at my favorite restaurant but my husband has a cold and he says maybe we should cancel because he can't taste and it's too expensive there to waste. Plus he's been complaining about the people who took the reservation.
He had asked me about cards and gifts and I said no gifts but it looks like I didn't get a card either! He left for work and none is on the table. I left his and 2 boxes of chocolate- 1 for him and 1 for me last night before I went to bed. I ended up buying candy for us and the 3 kids just because they had a sale for .99 a box Russell Stover's and it was too good a deal to pass up.  My boys don't want any Valentine's cards from their mom so I just put a post it note on the box Love Ya! XX OO and left it on their dressers.  Probably dinner and maybe a movie. 

WTB, I have a friend named Russ Stover, Imagine the crap that poor guy took growing up
As for gifts I bought her a nice ring and she got me a video game. 
I'm having a terrible day.  Nobody in our neighborhood has water right now.  I hate it when I can't shower.  The water company doesn't even answer their phone so I have no idea when I'll have it.  I feel your pain kweenb! During the recent snow storm we lost power for 8 hrs. When we lose power we also have no water due to an electricity operated well pump.  Not washing is bad enough but not be able to flush the toilet!!!! I had to boil umpteen pots of snow to flush the toilet! I didn't have to be worried about running out of that. When the power went back on the pump had lost it's prime. We were snowed in so we could not get out to borrow large containers of water to use to prime it. So I was without water for most of the next day too.
My boss did not understand why I did not make it in to work that day.....
Oh, I never thought about heating the snow so we could flush.  We definitely have plenty of snow!  Thanks WTB   kweenb- What a relief huh?! No way can I get into see someone as a visitor today. They may let me in as a patient and put me in an oxegyn tent. Everything drained into my chest and I am hitting the inhaler every four hours. Seriously on the four hour mark I quit breathing. I rarely ever use an inhaler. I started in on the robatusin with codeine. It seriously upsets my stomache.  I hate the stuff.
Anyway my ex is taking his fathers stroke really hard. I told him I would pray for his father. I think we should all say a prayer for them. His father is 89 and has testicular cancer.
milly2010-02-14 12:48:42Stan sent me flowers yesterday, a beautiful group of roses, eucalyptus, some other greens and a large daisy like flower.  Pretty spectacular and they made me yearn for spring.  We're cooking for one another this evening.  We asked each other what we wanted for dinner and he's bbq ribeyes, veggies on the grill and I'm preparind king crab legs and a composed salad and blueberry muffins.  We decided to stay home and be romantic.  LindyLindy how yummy. I mean how romantic.

My plans got scratched.  I gave Nathan his gifts...a box of choclates and a box of Hot Wheels cars.  What more could a litte boy want?  Left for church/Sunday school.  He threw up 3 times before they could get me out of mass.  So we are home...fever of 103.  We were supposed to go to a family Valentines dinner.  He is upset cause my present from him is up there.  Poor kid....

rocckyd2010-02-14 14:29:36Poor Nathan. Rebecca you just tell him that you're such a lucky mommy because you're going to have a very special Valentines' Day in a few days and you're looking forward to it........and no other mommy will be celebrating Valentine's Day then, so you'll be pretty special.