NEW | Arthritis Information


I'm new to all this and looking for all the information I can find.  Are there any other message boards/discussion forums for people like us?sure... google  what your ailment is and you will probably find some..... 

BTW, who are people like you?  What ails you?

Ditto to all of the above posts.  Lindy

[QUOTE=ohno.mehurt]I'm new to all this and looking for all the information I can find.  Are there any other message boards/discussion forums for people like us?[/QUOTE]
Welcome to the forum.  Why not tell us more about yourself!  There are other forums out there.  Like someone has already said, you can just Google for your specific ailment.
By the  way.  I like your username.
kweenb2010-02-15 18:26:49