everyday difficulties | Arthritis Information


are there any tasks which you personally have difficulties conductingopening jars and packages of any kind. doors also can be very difficult. how bout youi dont suffer with arthritis i am a design student and i am trying to design a product to assist those with arthritis, just wanted to find a topic area to aim my designare there any activities that you have problems performing, or have stopped due to arthritis
Pouring coffee. Lifting the milk out of the frig. This is a morning problem currently. By noon my painful clumsy hands limber up'

I have been looking into the coffee pots that make a full pot but dispense just a cup at a time.

Computer mouse - none is truly ergonomical [defined as a mouse that is positioned in such a way where when you hold it your hand and wrist are in the same position as they would be if you were shaking hands].

buttoning buttons, breaking eggs, going up and down stairs, lifting coffee mugs to mouth, wiping butt, shampooing, opening jars and bottles, tying shoes, opening envelopes, using  can openers, peeling veggies, grating cheese, cutting meat, using mouse, typing, scraping wallpaper, wringing out bathcloth, using vaccum, etc etc etc.
computer mouse also...
Leon heres a suggestion..put on a pair of gloves, a pair of shoes that are too small, a shirt that is too small and then wrap ace bandages around your knees and elbows.  See what activities you have trouble with..
[QUOTE=buckeye]computer mouse also...
Leon heres a suggestion..put on a pair of gloves, a pair of shoes that are too small, a shirt that is too small and then wrap ace bandages around your knees and elbows.  See what activities you have trouble with..
oh and Leon...I wasn't trying to come off sarcastic...but it is difficult for someone able bodies to truly understand what someone with chronic joint pain and inflammation goes through.  My suggestion was the best idea I could come up with to help replicate it.
I know a company has developed "arthritis replicating glvoes" maybe you can design the arthritis replicating suit.  It would be a great help to other designers, to medical professionals to get an idea what having RA is like.
But if you go for a more everyday product remeber assistive devices don't have to be ugly or in hospital colors.
[QUOTE=kathy_in_wlsv] buttoning buttons, breaking eggs, going up and down stairs, lifting coffee mugs to mouth, wiping butt, shampooing, opening jars and bottles, tying shoes, opening envelopes, usingĀ  can openers, peeling veggies, grating cheese, cutting meat, using mouse, typing, scraping wallpaper, wringing out bathcloth, using vaccum, etc etc etc.

Gees Kathy, you make RA seem so glamorous. Don't tell all our secrets or EVERYONE will want arthritis... ;-) thanks allot for your help it is really appreciated. for those who left sarcastic comments which made me feel uncomfortable and not best pleased. grow up!My answer at the time was honest. I was completly exhausted from babysitting four children. I was hurting every where. All of the pain makes it difficult to think of just one or two simple aspects of life when you are in a full body of pain. I really think you have been given some good information.
Opening packages of food can difficult sometimes. How frustrating to be hungry and not be able to open your food.
oh man I forgot plucking eyebrows.  I look like Irene Pappas nowadays.I'm sorry you weren't best pleased Leon. Right now I have a bad chest cold on top of RA, Fibro, and 7 kids. I think I could also describe myself as being not best pleased. But we all have our hurdles, don't we? [QUOTE=SnowOwl]Irene Pappas, Kathy?  Better than Anthony Quinn, I guess.  Bump thanks once again for all you help
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