Arthritis Information -carpal tunnel?



Thanks for that Lovie.

I suppose the question is too hard, but thanks for the welcome


I'm sorry you haven't gotten a response yet. It's not that no one cares....probable just lack of experience.

Welcome to AI....hopefully we'll be able to be more helpful in the future.

The median nerve supplies the 3rd finger (middle finger) and half of the 4th finger (ring finger). The median nerve is the only nerve that runs through the area called the carpal tunnel. Any swelling in the arm or wrist can impinge on the median nerve and cause parasthesias and some numbness.

I have had 3 carpal tunnel surgeries, and think that getting a wrist brace to wear, especially during the night, is a good idea. Don't know if NSAID's are something she can take. Maybe ice--but be careful because of her age. Immobilizing the wrist is the best thing I can think of to help, and the least invasive.

All the best!


I am wondering if anyone can tell me if what my mother has is carpal tunnel?

She is 91 and living in an aged hostel but presently staying with me. Mentally she is quite alert and "with it". A few months ago she was complaining of tingling in her left hand. Her doctor said it was probably carpal tunnel. Recently she was in hospital (the fault of the doctor mixing up her medication but that's another story). While there she had a very bruised and sore arm from them taking blood. It was also swollen, the hospital put a bandage on but no other treatment. Now the swelling has gone down but the tingling is worse and she is unable to move the 3rd & 4th fingers (middle two fingers) on her left hand. Is it likely that this is just carpal tunnel and if so is there anything that might be able to be done apart from surgery? Any advice would be appreciated.

I just recently went through this with my hand.  My hand specialist told me to wear a brace for 2-3 weeks.  If no improvement I was to return to have cortisone injections in my wrist.  Last resort is surgery/

Thank you midnitestitch.

My mother passed away 3 days ago, so at least her suffering is over now.

All the best to you.


Thank you Jana, I have been trying ice and it does seem slightly better
