My Pilocarpin Story | Arthritis Information


Not all of this is pleasant but I think we need to talk about side effects sometimes and how to deal with them.

A month ago I was sad tearless had the dryest throat and mouth. My sinuses were dry and I had several cyst in my eyelid. Things felt hopeless. I had just left the counseling center and was on the bus to RD. I wanted to cry but I could not. I hated seeing my mother do all of the babysitting for the children but I just could not do it. I was sad and angry and in pain. Misserable from the dryness. Facing again another sinus surgery. I had a neurologist appointment already schedualed for a few days later so I kept hope that someone would help me. My therapist had just told me that my IBM score was elevated but that I did not need to be hospitalised as I was not a danger to myself ect. So the Cymbalta was needed for both pain and deppression.
I got my Pilocarpin filled and immediatly had a spastic colon. It was miserable yet I kept taking it. I went to the neurologist and was prescibed  Cymbalta and Lryica. After I had left his office i went to see a gp for the spastic colon and got some Dicyclomine for the side effects. I thought wow this is crazy to be taking a chloragenic and an antichloregenic to combate the sideeffects.
The Cymbalta and the Lyrica worked so well for the pain that I did not know I had developed a rather large hemroid from the spastic colon. So I started taking hot baths with epsonsalts but continued to take the pilocarpin. After a few days on the Lyrica and the Cymbalta I was able to stop the antichloragenic. I guess they some how calmed down my spastic colon on thier own.
I was pretty well buzzed by the combination of the Lyrica and the Cymbalta. I no longer take the Lyrica during the day time. I have adjusted enough that I now have a clear head and do not feel buzzed anymore. Actually I even wake up earlier in the day time now then i did before i started taking the Cymbalta. At first all I did was sleep all day in part because of the Lyrica.
I have tears and saliva and lots of sinus moisture. Careful what you wish for. LOL I really only take two or three of the pilocarpin a day and it works fine for me that way.
I just thought I maybe able to help others over come some of the side effects by talking about them. I hate to see someone stop taking something without trying to get some help for some unpleasant side effects. I hope i did not offend anyone.
Milly,  Thank you for sharing this Milly. I'm glad you are starting to get some relief.
My girl friend thought she had a horrible hemorrhoid and kept trying to treat it at home. Finally she started to feel week from blood loss and went to the proctologist. Turns out she actually had a tear. She was able to have it repaired and is fine now. I know that this is sort of a tangent but I think its important to remember that sometimes there are simple solutions to our problems, even the embarrassing ones. Better to seek help than to suffer.

Please keep us updated Milly. I'm sure the cymbalta will provide even more relief from your depression as time goes on... Take care

Hi Milly, thanks for sharing your story.  I'm so happy that the meds worked for you and that you were able to work through the side effects.   

Sometimes we have to work through the side effects of the meds; it's possible with some and not possible with others.  I've been on Lyrica for a couple of years and I tell you it's made a huge difference in how my legs and feet feel.  I have a friend who's on Cymbalta and Lyrica and is doing so much better.  She was miserable for years and she's like a new person. 
I'm glad you found such a good combination.  Lindy


Enjoy all the

I think sharing your experiance will most definately help someone!
