Prayers please | Arthritis Information


My disabled brother went to the doctor yesterday and today they called and said his liver enzymes are elevated. he goes back in Wednesday for test. I know it could be nothing to serious. he takes so much medicine. Bless his heart he is truely one of gods inocent people.

A few years back he became severly schizophrenic and they had to raise his meds so much. He has a low IQ and could never bare to live in a home away from his Mother. he has to take so much medicine to keep from hurting himself and from hearing voices. The Zyprexa and Depekote have made him gain so much weight he is 290 lbs. i took him to the doctor last month and requested they change his medicine so he could loose some weight. The doctor is having trouble with the prior aproval.
These medicines are very scary. I hope that it is something he can bounce back from easily. I hope that we do not have too much trouble switching his medicines and can keep him at home. He gets so scared when he has to go in the hospital. He has been my special baby brother scince I was ten years old. Prayers for an easy medicine transition and for him to loose weight. Prayers for his liver to be all right.
Thanks to all of you for your continued support.
Will be going to bed in a few minutes. Will put you and your brother in my prayers and continue.  I, too, have a brother who is mentally challenged but he is blessed with good health. For this we are thankful.  "Gentle Hugs" watchingwolf2010-02-18 22:09:29I'm praying for you guys Millie. My brother in law is bipolar with paranoia and delusions. He also has a low IQ and is so anxious when he has to be away from my mother in law. He had thyroid cancer a couple years ago; his surgery and hospital stay were hard on him but thankfully the cancer is gone.
I'm so sorry you guys have to go through this. Hoping for the best outcome. you're a dear sister!!  I hope this is an easy and good transition period for your brother...and that the liver results are much improved soon. Milly,

Zyprexa is notorious for causing people to gain weight.  My husband was diagnosed schizophrenic in 1998.  They put him on Zyprexa and he gained 80 pounds in 6 months.  His triglycerides also went off the charts.  It was so high they decided to take him off the Zyprexa.  The doc put him on Geodon.  He said its closest to how Zyprexa works.  His weight just slowly came off.  I'm sure it's because he wasn't constantly munching on pastries.  I hope your brother's test comes out o.k. and that he can make an easy transition to another drug.

I'll be praying for you and your brother.
Prayers going up Milly.  You are a good sister!Milly,
Sending prayers your way.  Hoping that your brother starts feeling better very soon Milly,
I prayed for your brother. Peace to you and your family.Prayers are sent....