Hip pain vs kidney pain | Arthritis Information


I have had a bad pain in my back kidney area. I will go to the doctor this weekend if it does not get better. Most of my RA and muscle pain are well controlled but not this pain in the side of my lower back. So well it is pretty bad pain if nothing is touching it.

My knees are having some break through pain also so I know it could be flare related. Sometimes when my hips flare up I do have a higher tendency to get a kidney infection. Also when my hips flare up it covers a large area it tends to consume my lower back also. Just wondering if others have simalar experiences?
Well, it's back to the doc for you Milly.  I don't have any experience with that kind of pain so I have nothing to offer except a .....hope you feel better and that it's easy to treat.I echo Linncn's sentiments. Feel better soon! I probably should have gone today. I was sleepy so I did not go. I am getting to know the lady doctor that sees walk ins on weekends and evenings pretty well. My GP is not in on Fridays anyway.
It start yesterday evening and has persisited all day. So yes probably back to the doctor. many years ago a doctor at the EROOM got yelled at by a kidney specialist for giving me a specific medicine. Now that doctor is the head doctor of the eroom. So they refuse to give me medicine for a kidney infection. They have me pee in a cup and then say I  have my period or something stupid and send me to my doctor. I do not get my period it has been years. They do say make sure you go see your doctor. I have had this problem for many years. So I am pretty sure it is a kidney infection secondary from the abx I was taking for strep? So no reason to waste my time going there.
I have no idea why I am so talented at getting infections? I was sort of born this way.
Hey Milly, I agree, get thee to a doctor!  Cranberry juice may help until you get there, but you shouldn't drink cranberry juice if you are prone to or have kidney stones. 

I found this for you to check out;


I hope you can see someone soon!  Let us know how it goes, okay?

ugh. UTIs are the devil's ..

I hope you feel better soon, milly!!!
I went to the eroom and it is not a uti or a kidney infection. Just a bad back spasm. I see the neuro Tuesday to get my meds tweeked so maybe i will survive.


Hope you feel better soon.  Would applying some heat, or maybe some ice help?
They suggested some heat may help some.Heat always helped my back spasms- either using the heating pad or a hot shower pounding on the area. Yikes- I forgot about them! I used to get them during onset from holding myself still and weird to try and stave off pain- they hurt!
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