Forum Rules.... | Arthritis Information


Although messages posted are not the responsibility of this forum and we are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any of these messages, we reserve the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever. If you do find any posts are objectionable then please contact the forum by e-mail.

This is included in the rules when you register.....So apparently the powers that be here don't need any reason to delete a post and everyone agreed to that when they joined the forum.
Mystery solved There are no rules if there is no one here to enforce them. They are as good as absent. [QUOTE=lorster]There are no rules if there is no one here to enforce them. They are as good as absent.[/QUOTE]

wasn't it you who said he did delete a thread?  what is that if not enforcement?  and because it is his site..... he can delete or not as he may choose......

and..... I guess that anyone who doesn't like that......  can just go home.
[QUOTE=lorster]There are no rules if there is no one here to enforce them. They are as good as absent.[/QUOTE]
There are rules here and they are enforced...Just not the way you would like them to be......
Although messages posted are not the responsibility of this forum and we are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any of these messages, we reserve the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever. If you do find any posts are objectionable then please contact the forum by e-mail.
[QUOTE=lorster]There are no rules if there is no one here to enforce them. They are as good as absent.[/QUOTE
For goodness sake..out of all the asinine, stupid, immature things said on this board in the past I think you just managed to top them all.  There are no rules if no one is standing over you telling you to behave.  WOuld you expect that kind of comment from your children, from the nurses you supposedly supervise.
I know this may be a tough question but I'll ask it anyway
What the hell happened to self control?  Integrity?  You agreed to a certain standard of behavior when you accepted the user agreement, I for one would love to hear your explanation as to why you don't believe it applies to you.
