LEV...Any squirrel stories lately? | Arthritis Information


Just curious if you have anymore funny stories to tell about your walk through the park with your little squirrel gang...Those made me crack up!


I could go for some light-hearted, humorous animal stories, too.
Me three...... No new squirrel stories. I have been out of town for a while and so have not seen the gang of thugs. Aren't they cute the way they beg, sitting up and hold their arms and paws into their chests? Oh, I will say that for the last two days before I left, instead of oreas and nuts in the shells, I gave them the devils food coockies with the marshmellow tops all covered in chocolate. Let me tell you, they sure do like those better than the oreos. I will see them all this afternoon and hope they aren't mad. I will have to  go to the store for the devils food cookies. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hey Snow,
That's an idea. Maybe I will take a can of my MONSTER energy drink. That should make for some good photos only I'd probably have to use a video camera.
[QUOTE=SnowOwl]Have you seen the animated film, "Over the Hedge"?  The character of "Hammy" the squirrel gets a taste of junk food and he's never the same.  At one point he has a Red Bull and goes supersonic, the world slows down a la "Matrix" and he saunters through it and harvests enough food to see himself and his buddies through the next winter in one evening, as well as getting a cookie down off a human home's rooftop after strolling around and through and disabling a field of pest control laser beams on its lawn.  I fear for your community Lev, the squirrels will organize and take hostages, no trash can or refrigerator will be safe, they'll be hijacking Dolly Madison delivery trucks. 
...edited to correct phrase, sorry.
Snow....you just cracked me up...Inflamed,

I LOVE the new picture in your signature line.  SO SWEET!
Thank you kweenb,
i just go home last night and have been going through all my new pics of my favorite subject..Gavin...lol
I wish my crooked arthritis fingers were not in the picture...but I guess it goes with the territory.
It's not a squirrel story but it is a true story of one of my walks just prior to my last adventure get-a-way. I was on my second lap of my two mile walk when I thought about running. Now this may seem unreal, but I assure you, this is the truth. It has been about three years or so since I have run. I decided to see if i could run, whether my legs and joints would allow it. Here is the strange part. I could not remember how to run or how to start to run, isn't that funny? If some of you don't believe this story, I hope that someone who has not run for a few years will try to run. Anyway, I did finally run for about 30-40 steps. Well, to me it was running. To those watching me, I'm sure it was pure entertainment.
It is too bad we do not have a video of that. Be careful all that can come from running is skinned knees and elbows.
I do not buy Oreo's to often because I love them so. I was giving the older kids oreo's one day and holding the baby on my lap. She reached in and grabbed a broken one and stuffed it in her mouth. She is fifteen months old now and this was probably two or three months ago.
I was watching her and went to the cubbard and got an Oreo the first package I had bought scince. She went into a full tantrum. I told her to calm down she could have one. Her eyes are better than mine she can spot an oreo package from across the room. LOL
Lev: " was on my second lap of my two mile walk when I thought about running"
Snow: "They say you never forget.  Yeah you do"
Thanks for the laughs guys! LOL
Over the Hedge, yep, that is one funny movie!  That does sound like what Lev might be doing to these squirrels...they'll never want a plain old nut again!  too funny...
I'm so proud of you guys ...Jeeze, Lev 2 miles a day..holy smokes! I wish I could even get out to walk a half mile.  And Snow riding your bike, that's awesome! I have a bike...a brand new one in fact from 2 birthdays ago that I've NEVER even taken out once...that's terrible, i need to get movin! I bet I'd be in the neighborhood too while the neighborhood kids get a good laugh at me trying to stay on my bike.
Lev's story reminds me that yesterday I watched a woman "skipping" across a parking lot (yeah, it looked kindof funny) and I wondered if I could still skip after all these years. Anyway, I have a funny story about a skunk. My sister works at a little old winery in Napa where they have a kitty named Stickers. Stickers is fed in the barn and a baby skunk has found Sticker's food bowl. Stickers has now been "skunked" 3 or 4 times.  A few days ago my sister went in the barn and found the skunk asleep in Sickers bed. Poor Stickers.Miles,
So did you try to skip? Seems like skipping would be even more tricky for me than running.
Anyway, I haven't been back to to the park since we returned from our last adventure but will probably go today to see those little thugs. Oh yeah, I bought a package of "Nutter Butter Peanut Butter" cookies to pass out to the squirrels. I can't see how they can eat those oreos. They taste terrible.
I do have a somewhat funny story but not about the squirrels. I have a freind that's a cop and his city has a "drive along" program and I had signed up for it and every once in a while will ride with my friend for a few hours. A few weeks ago, I was "riding along" with him and we were coming up on a pick up truck that was all over the road. It would go off the right side and then jerk back into lane and then go into the left lane and jerk back into the correct lane. My friend said that the driver was either drunk or texting. We caught up with the pick up and got real close behind them. There was two people in the truck and they were flailing about. Now the cop car is unmarked but people pretty much realize that the candy apple red Magnum with blacked out windows is a cop car once it's spotted up close. Anyway, they got caught at a red light and we pulled up along side of them on the left side. They didn't even notice us, but we could see them flailing away. Their hands going a hundred miles an hour and very close to each other's face. We then realized that they were deaf/mutes, husband and wife having a very heated argument and that the driver would take his hands off of the wheel in order to yell at his wife using sign language. My friend pulled them over, made sure they weren't intoxicated and warned them about their driving while arguing with their hands.

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