The New New and Improved Milly | Arthritis Information


LOL I get my meds tweeked tomorrow. No doubt they will probably double my Cymbalta and raise my Lyrica and add another med. So I may be sleeping for a few days. A few weeks or whatever. Hopefully the new med will make me stay awake.

Prayers and well wishes to you all. I just hope i do not sleep through my counseling appointment.
Also I am cleared for take off next week with a new RA med. Woo! Hoo! I do not like to even get into the matters of problems I have between allergies and infections. We call this drug 6 biologic number two. LOL I hate to say bad things about meds when I am the one with the problems allergic reactions.
When I ever get off the runway long enough to base an opinion I will let you know.
It has gotten so bad that I do not even tell people for weeks anymore when I get a rash. Guess that is stupid but oh well we call it self pitty. I promised last time i would not do that anymore. It is stupid to want something that much that you cause yourself harm. So I have been on nothing for awhile now. Very excited fingers crossed.
Fingers and toes crossed for you Milly! Prayers and best wishes for you! Hope this is your silver bullet! Thanks but all of this is to keep my toes from crossing, LOL I just hate it when my toes cross. Thanks anyway.GOOD LUCK!~! I hope everything goes well for you Milly and that you start to feel better soon Enbrel is the new pick. I want a stay at home med without the hassles. I tend to respond well to meds if I could ever take them long enough great things could happen. Milly,
Wishing "Great Things" to happen for you!
No no Milly- I'll cross MY toes- you leave yours straight!Milly,
I will expect a miracle for you that's full of little miracles. A new new improved Milly. Can't wait, altho like my Miracle Whip that they new and improved, I was quite happy with it before they improved it.
So far I am still alive. I took my 60 mg Cymbalta and a 75 mg Lyrica two and a half hours ago. I thought I would fall asleep and miss the 19 Kids and Counting. Bless that little Josey Duggars heart.
My poor feet guess the shots are waring off and it has been a month scince I got them. Well it was a nice month while it lasted. Walking has been slow today and you know when you squint and make a funny face trying to push through the pain. The hip and the back have not let up either. So I am so thankful for the extra pain relief. It is helping and just in the knick of time. Big sigh of relief!I did get a special treat at the doctors office today. Dear old Dad had an appointment at the same time as i did so the wait in the waiting room went by quickly. He likes attention LOL He sung song and said that they were the songs he sings to his grandchildren. He had the waiting room in a sing along. Priceless.Milly, lots of luck with Enbrel, hope it works miracles for you.  LindyI hope you have at the least, the good response from enbrel as I have... hopefully better!!

that's a cute story about your Dad
I hope the Enbrel is your magic med!!!