alternative medicine, acupuncture, cupping for ra | Arthritis Information


my mom (55) has had ra for 10years now.
i recently read about how cupping therapy and gua sha might be beneficial for ra. im wondering if anyone has any experience with it since there arent enough information on the internet.
(whether cupping is beneficial or actually make the inflammated joints worse?)
i would like to help my mom.
thank you very much
annakicsiangelgirl2010-02-24 08:01:21that's very nice of you, Snow, to research this and apply to our diseases to help this poster understand  ....

I wish your mom well, kicsiangelgirl....

i know she takes steroids and non steroids aswell, depending on the symptoms she has. she is actually a doctor herself but unfortunately cant cure herself and im worried about the side effects the medicines may cause.
thats why i decided to look into the more natural ways of healing, like oriental medicine or natural remedies.
her only concern are whether these techniques make the imflammatory symptoms any worse..
i cant find any relevant experiences only ideas.. "Cupping"....that sounds painful.