Undiagnosed & Frustrated | Arthritis Information


Hello all.  I am new here and have just been lurking for a few days while I waited on the results from my second round of diagnostic labs.  About a year and a half ago, I started having pain, stiffness and swelling in my hands which was then limited to just a couple of knuckle joints.  I made an appt with a GP who took one look and said he thought it was RA, but when the labs came back negative for RF, he evidently changed his mind . . . changed it to WHAT I guess I'll never know since I never got to talk to him about the results (the lab tech called with the results Sorry everything is so up in the air for you. You made the right decision to go to a doctor who is a specialist in the subject.  I am sero negative but presented very severely so they made a dx pretty quickly based on visual examination- hot, red, painful joints, symmetrical pain, swelling, stiffness that lasted more than 1 hr. etc. My CRP and ESR were also very high at first.

The important thing is if it is RA the faster you can get a dx and be put on DMARDS the faster you can get the RA slowed down or into remission.  I have heard of people going through exactly what you are going through- it's very frustrating I'm sure.
Best of luck to you. Don't be afraid to call the RD's office and ask to be put on the cancellation list- you may be able to get in quicker.
Thanks wanntobe!  I feel like such a whiney baby next to all the folks on here with physical problems WAAAAY worse than mine.  I told my DH just last night that I hope I never have to look back and wish that I only had the problems that I have today!  Oh, and thanks for the tip about the cancellation list . . . I will do just that as soon as I get my appt  Always see a rhuematologist. A Gp has no real right to give you a diagnosis. Many people are RF negetive so really that means nothing. As well even if you are RF positive there can still be a circus.
Always it is best to keep a diary of symtoms. They will ask about stiffness and how long that last if you have stiffness also. How long does your swelling last? If you swell badly take a picture just in case the swelling should go down before your appointment. What joints are effected.
Also welcome to the forum. Sorry that things are so frustrating for you now. We are here because the diagnosis process is a frieghtening time and often frustrating. I hope you find answers and help. You may not get answers at your first appointment. It may be a matter of you being patient for a bit. Of course you could get an answer right off of the bat. Make sure you go back to see the Rhuematologist more than once. They will do more bloodwork extra test and yes often people are completely negative. I was negative for years then boom I was Rf positive.

First of all, I love dogs and Shih Tzus are my absolute favorite. Such little bunnies that play like cats and love their little stuff animals. Precious.

Now, down to business.

GP's do NOT have the skills to diagnose RA. However, s/he should have known, minimally, that Rheumatoid Factor can or cannot be positive. I’ve had the test three times in 16 years and they are always negative. Not one blood test related to inflammation has ever been abnormal and yet I can melt an igloo sitting inside one. If it talks like a Shih Tzu, walks like a Shih Tzu…..then it is almost positively a little lion dog.

Bluntly stated:  you wouldn’t go to a dentist to have your child delivered, so why would you see a GP for this? But I see that you’re scheduled to see a RD soon. [I hope when you get your diagnosis that you send a note to the two GP’s and tell them what it is. Maybe then they’ll get smart and refer patients with rheumatolgical issues to an RD.

So sit tight for your appointment and you'll get your answer soon enough. Best to get on the DMARDS ASAP [and don't let anyone except the RD prescribe them]. The sooner you're treated the sooner you'll halt progression of the disease.
Now go cuddle with your Shih Tzu. 
Thanks Milly and Sam!  I kinda got the idea that the GP's didn't have a clue since they both dismissed this with a negative RF.  I've done a LOT of reading lately, so I know that seronegative means absolutely nothing.  I will definitely defer to  the RD for future diagnoses!  I like the idea of the diary . . . that should be helpful when I'm trying to describe the symptoms after they have temporarily subsided.

On a lighter note . . . Shih Tzu are the best!  I raise them and have quite a few . . . all with their own special personalities . . . but all very special!  My babies are my saviors right now with their never-ending, unconditional love!
Most rheumy will treat the symptoms...Blood work is only a small portion of the puzzle. Some people never have altered blood work, but end up with joint damage. Find a good Rheumy...
Good Luck, hope you become pain free soon
Thanks Lisa   That is the plan right now . . . so we'll see what happens! Sorry that you are having a lot of difficulty being diagnosed. I was diagnosed by my (G.P.) then the diagnosis was confirmed by my RD so I was thankful that my G.P. had quite a lot of knowlege about RA. My lab results for RF are always Neg. but I present positive in other area's.
Patience is the name of the game with this disease
[QUOTE=kalamazoo]Patience is the name of the game with this disease  It drives me mad.
LOL - Who among us doesn't feel s/he's not being driven nuts?  I think it's when you finally realize you have a modicum of control over the disease that we finally regain our sanity.
[QUOTE=kalamazoo]Sorry that you are having a lot of difficulty being diagnosed. I was diagnosed by my (G.P.) then the diagnosis was confirmed by my RD so I was thankful that my G.P. had quite a lot of knowlege about RA. My lab results for RF are always Neg. but I present positive in other area's. RA is definitely a roller coaster ride.  Many times it seems like the safety harness isn't even in place!
Many people on the board have a similar story of a frustrating diagnosis.  Keep pushing your drs for answers.  The best advice I can give you is to surround yourself with drs who have your best intrest at heart.  If, in fact, you do end up need a rheumatologist, be picky! 
Thanks rocckyd!  One thing that I definitely am is picky!  I don't know what this is yet, but I will know for sure before I'm done.  I truly believe that the answer will come from my own knowledge and pushing for answers from that knowledge.  I am not a doctor, but that doesn't mean that I have to sit by like a bystander while they decide what to do with me
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