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WOW, I have been gone for a little less than 2 weeks and we got a ton of new people.

Just wanted to take a few minutes and WELCOME in all the new members.  I hope that you all enjoy your time here in AI.





We've missed ya girl....Hope you're doing well.


Thank you Lovie...

Not been doing well.  I had a pretty bad flare this time around...Not sure I am over it yet.

Hope you and your beautiful family are doing well. 



Toni,  glad to see you, hope you are better, still in a bad one myself.  not too sure if it's a flare or the flu, but pretty sure it is flu.


Hi Waddles, I'm one of the newbies, but it feels so good to have a place
where everyone knows what I'm going through. All my friends keep
saying, have you tried glucosamine, as though that helps! Here, you all
know where I'm headed (just been diagnosed), because so many have
been where I am.



Hi Mary

Hope you are feel better

 very soon.





I think this has been a rough winter season for many of us.

Here's to hoping Sping time brings better days to us all.


Fiona...you made a great point....Everybody is a MD, when it comes to arthritis...LOL.

I am pleased to hear how much you enjoy AI and the members.  You are right, it is more comforting to be around other people, who share the same ups and downs and believe me when I say "we have a lot to learn from each other" and at the same time a lot of support to offer to those who need our guidance.  I am very glad that you found AI.

Lovie...Oh goodness yes.  Spring is here in Norfolk and will be till Tuesday.  I am going out side to do nothing but sit on my front steps and enjoy the sun...Hope you and you family can do the same thing today.


Take care of yourselves






hi toni missed you i am still around mainly because of you and my other friends.  i am so grateful i love ai.  very stiff this morning - sorry you are flaring.  stick around.  ok?Nice to see you, Toni...hope you feel better soon!



Roxy...I am not leaving.  Wish you where not so stiff but I can feel for you.  I am changing my moniker to Starch, since that is how I feel most of the time ( stiff)   Hang in there friend...it will get better.

kelstev... Good to be able to be back on line.  Hands are not the best right now but far better than they have been.


Hope you ladies have a wonderful night.

Take care of yourselves.


PS:  I had to edit this post.  I was under the influence of Oxycodone when I posted it.   WOW..OXY is some kinda drug...LOL.


Thanks for the "get well' card, Toni.

Hope you don't need the starch moniker too long



Hi Mary

Me either...or the Oxycodone...I can't think when I take it...maybe that's a good thing?

At least that's what I tell myself (when I can remember too


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