Story of this newbie ... | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone!  I'm new this message board and am very excited to talk with others that know what it is to thrive every day with PA! 

My short story:  I was diagnosed at age 15 with PA and have taken almost every Rx known to treat it.  I am currently into my 4th year on Remicade.  This is the longest I have been on anything so, while I am staying positive that I can continue, I also will not be surprised when it starts to not work as well.  I am married and have one child and one dog.  I am a photographer and hope to start college soon to become a nutritionist.
While I my daughter is mine biologically, I was not on any medications when she was conceived, an my PA symptoms greatly improved throughout my pregnancy.  My husband and I are considering trying for #2, however when we tried 3 years ago, it did not go very well with me being off of the Remicade.  I am hoping to get any insight and possible experiences with any moms out there that have conceived while on Remicade.   We have started the process for an adoption through our state foster care system, so we are trying to keep our options open as far as growing our family.
Thanks so much for any advice and encouragement!!
