mattress | Arthritis Information


We have to buy a new mattress, and I was wondering, does anyone know
what's going to be better for me long-term? I was just diagnosed, and I'm
not in absolutely terrible shape - yet - but I'm progressing ridiculously
fast (every day, it seems, new joints are involved). Any suggestions? For
me, the biggest challenge of the day is just to get out of bed & finding
out the new pain du jour. I don't want to fight a new mattress as well.



Hi Fiona

Mattresses are like have to try them on first to make sure they fit....

All kidding a side....There are many mattresses out in the market that are very good.  I think though, since we have different mattress needs as our body needs change, it is wise to take the time and lay down on them for at least 30 minutes, so we can get a feel for the mattress before we purchase it.  Kinda embarrassing to do that but better than putting out all that "hard earned money" only to find out we can't sleep on it.

My next mattress is going to be the Tempur-Pedic.  A little expensive but it will be worth the money to be able to change the settings as my RA needs change.

Take time shopping to find the right mattress that works best for your special needs. OG&GTKW=mattress



Hi Waddles - thanks

I wish I didn't need a mattress now - but I do - or I'd wait to see how I
feel in a year or two. I'm afraid my needs are going to change, but I'll be
stuck with this thing for another 10 years. The tempur-pedic looks good.
I'll check into it - because it DOES change.





My parents just bought one of these "Sleep Number" beds and they can not say enough about it. I've heard many, many others here mention it as well.

They are pricey.....but a good investment for anyone in our condition. A good nights rest can make the difference in a good day and a bad day.

We'll do just about anything to have more good days than bad.


The only way I will be able to afford one now is to re-finance my house..and I am not ready for that yet.  So it looks like I will be saving my pennies in that old piggy bank in the the mean time I did purchase a wonderful goose feather mattress topper and seems to be working fairly well on top of a foam mattress topper. Maybe that will help Fiona for now.

I back Lovie's parents on the sleep number bed I have one and love it you can adjust the firmness to what your body is feeling that day and for those in the colder sections of the country we added a heated matress pad and let me tell you does that help the joints!!!!  hehehe


Better yet, a bed connected to a hot tub---mmm that sounds great... you might never leave the bedroom then!

I would seriously think that anything with a heat option would be a step in the right direction. My mom loaned me a heating blanket and I lay on top of it ---wow! It helps alot.  I could use a better bed though too. Seeing as how I sleep on the sofa!  My husband is a t**ser, turner, snorer and major blanket hog. I cant sleep with him, besides he would never let me sit up all night and play on the computer

In Australia electric blankets go under your bottom sheet like a mattress protector.  Most nights I turn mine on and get into a warm bed.  If It's really cold I will leave it on low all night.  Mind you last night it was 38 degrees celsius so I skipped the electric blanket (and the blanket, and the sheet).  Lying on a warm blanket really does help with the aches.

I think with the tempur mattresses you aren't supposed to feel the other person tossing and turning as much.  That would be really good for my hubby as when my legs get jumping I just about clear the bed.  It's like he's trying to sleep on a trampoline while I do acrobatics.  I wouldn't be so stressed about moving about all night and disturbing him.

Just some thoughts.


I like the idea of putting a sheet on top of the electric blanket. I will try that next time! It is warm out tonight here too, so no heating blanket tonight for me either!thanks all - I'll probably be getting the mattress in the next couple of
months, and I was wondering if the more expensive mattresses were
worth it.

I want one with the ejector button - or maybe one that will stand me up
in a doll stand so my feet don't have to touch the floor!?! I'm afraid that if
I get a really good mattress, I just won't get up!

We have had the tempurpedic mattress for about a year. I can't say enough good things about it..I love this mattress.


unintended benefit... Ally (our nearly 4 year old) can't jump on the bed, theres no bounce to it..


years ago we had a water bed. I have wondered if that would be good now since they are heated and everything. anybody have one now???Crunchy; comfort select has a sofa bed now!!!  there you go you could get  hubby pull it out then watch tv, read, etc and not have to move!!!!  hehehehe  meme

we have a waterbed.
I definately do NOT recommend it.

it's very very very hard to get out of in the morning, and sometimes I think it's TOO sqquisshhhy....... and I think that a firmer mattress would be better for me. 

It's nice when it's warm - but i don't think it's worth it.   I have trouble getting comfortable, and staying comfortable.  And when I'm having a flair, it's really hard to get bearings to roll over and especially getting out of bed is difficult.   

Not to mention in the middle of the night when I get those dang leg cramps.. and I have to get up really really quick.   I bet I could win America's Funniest Home Videos if someone were to video me.... LOL

I cant get my husband to give it up, tho.  He loves the thing.  But - he doesn't have RA either.   It's the ONLY thing he doesn't support me in.  He loves his bed.


OH - and sex on a waterbed and RA - DO NOT mix.  LOL

