Latest RD visit. | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, saw my RD yesterday, he has known me for 8 years and because I left my Oxycontin at home and will be away t'il Friday, I asked him for a script, he really embarrassed me and offended me and checked with the govt hotline in front of me asking me if I have ever been into rehb for drink or drugs and said if there was anything fishy going on he would find out about it, I was almost in tears and told him afterwards I would like to try and come off of it now as I was put on it by the Drs and then in these circumstances have to go thru this, I never want to go thru that again!  I know they have a job to do etc etc but for hevens sake, he knows me very well and there are ways of being tactful about these things!

Never mind!  He wants me to go into hosp for helicobactor pylori IV antibiotics as it is causing lots of probs for me so I have to see my gastroenterologist abou that.  He said I don't qualify for Tociliszumab from the govt so would have to see if I can get it on trial so still not sure but he said High BP and cholesterol probs would not be too much to worry about if I can get it.  So I may try with a clinical trial Dr.  He also wants me to have monthly steroid 2mg injections as an extra buffer, said this shouldn't cause cushings symptoms but weekly would.  I was trying to bypass the stomach by having them IM.
Having spinal rhizotomy tomorrow, trying to track down Cordy as I am in her neighbourhood but have not managed to contact her on here yet and have lost her phone no, can anyone help or let her know for me and get her to ring me at the hosp, I will be there at 8am Selangur private at Nambour, until Fri at 10am.  Wanted to give me a shot in my wrist but I declined until next time.
The govt have stopped covering steroid shots no under Medicare so each individual shot ranges from about upwards.  I think that is awful for people with chronic illness who struggle with all their medical bills. C'est la vie.
Will write again on Friday pm and tell you how it goes tomorrow and who knows I might finally get to meet Cords, that would be great!!!!!  A few laughts I am sure.  Hugs Janie.
janiefx12010-03-10 02:09:54I can't believe he treated you way!  There are much more tactful ways he could have handled the pain med script.  Yes there are laws, and maybe he did have to call-by law, but there had to be another way he could have handled it.  I'm sorry...  I get my pain meds through a pain management dr.  My RD will only prescribe a short term prescription.  I hate the stigma associated with pain frustrating!
Hope you procedure goes well.  Let us know how you are doing.  
Whoa!  It's one thing to ask me about illicit drug or alcohol use, or even if I'd ever  been to rehab, but if  my doctor ever said, ".... if there was anything fishy going on he would find out about it,"  I'd tell him that remark was insulting, undiginfied and uncalled for and that I can't wait to tell everyone I know that HE made it. And then I'd fire him. No one calls me a liar or insuates that. No one.That does sound awful, I'm sorry you had to go through that Janie. Janie, sounds like your RD lost all his tact his good sense!!!  I am so sorry!  Next time you see him, tell him you were so shocked, you didn't say anything, but now that you have had time to think about it, you feel highly insulted and you thought he knew you better after all these years!!!  With all you have going on, I would be shocked to hear you weren't on pain meds!  Why else would he think you needed a spinal rhizotomy???  Maybe a referral to a pain specialist would be a good idea.  Sam has a good plan too!  What a jerk!

I hope all goes smoothly for you and I'm still hummmmmming for ya!

Waddie Oh sweetie that sounds just awful! I hate needing pain meds myself. I keep hoping that when my Lryica gets raised to the full benifits I can stop taking the vicoden every day and maybe only use it during bad flares. I wish people could understand and believe in us. We have RA and comorbitities for goodness sakes.
I only ever get my pain meds from my GP. If I go to the EROOM or another doctor for anything I write down exactly what I am taking and they assume I am there for pain meds when I am just wanting a strep culture or a urine culture to see if i have a bladder infection or something. I so hate the assuming that people and Doctors do.
I know there are people that do bad things and abuse drugs but when people know you it really stinks. Even when they do not know you it really stinks.
The insurance deal is terrible. RA is expensive that is for sure. I had to get a bunch of stuff for yeast infection today. Over the counter so no insurance coverage. The worst part is I think I am treating vitaligo with Lamisil. It does not work so well. Our local dermatologist is litterally certafiable. I have an appointment with one out of town LOL out of state actually, but the wait is long.
Hang in there Janie. I will pray about you getting into a trial. I so wish life to get easier for you. Many good wishes, hugs, and prayers.
I hope you meet up with Cordy that sounds delightful.
Hi Janie, just asking how you are feeling after rhizotomy?
I had this or similar procedure done approx 25 years ago. In those days they used a beaver blade and sniped the nerves. It was all new to me but, OH SO Successful!!! After a lot of other procedures this was too easy... but it did work and still is for me!!! 
My 42 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis at L4/ L5 with disc bulge , but no compression. I am researching info for her.
 I have found  'The Dr'  that did mine is still in practise, in Melbourne. I have not spoken or heard of this procedure for many years and thought it must have been superceded!!!
I do hope it is working for you, now! 
Gentle hugs, Lyn
