RA and Breast Augmentation | Arthritis Information




Tasha Latiolais38789.6522222222Tashia, If I were you ,  I would not go there. Why take a chance on something like breast augumentation when you already have so much to contend with with RA. RA patients have an increased risk from cancer just from having RA. Then I notice you are on Enbrel and methtrexate like me. Those also have side effects known and not yet known. You are young and I assume you think having larger breasts would make you more attractive. I think whoever takes you on has to take the package deal. My understanding is that people who have had breast augmentation sometimes have complications later, including possibly cancer. RA can also cause lung complications and pain in the chest area. Hope you don't do it.  34B LindaI thank you for your concern and everyone is entitled to there own opinion, but I am 27 years old, and My husband does except me for who I am. I am doing this to feel good about myself. I am Acup and because I go through so much pain already I want to do something for myself that I enjoy. I understand that some people are against plastic surgery but I really wanted somebodys opinion who has had surgery with RA. Sometimes in life you have to take risks atleast I do and this is something I am interested in am I vain(NO) is anyone forcing me (NO), my husband would love me for me no matter what and this is my decision. I don't think larger breast would make me more attractive, I don't have issues with my self esteem. I have many reasons why I want to do this. But again thanks for the words of wisdom.Tasha, I just wanted to add that I was an A cup when I was your age. Age and prednisone filled me out. Of course it is your life. Just research it real carefully.

Hi Tasha,

I understand that feeling completely. Plastic Surgery is great! However, with RA (I have PA) our immune systems are shot. Which is a double whammy when going in for any type of surgery. Even dental work. So whatever you decide to do make sure and choose a good and reputable plastic surgeon and when going in for consultation be 100% honest with your current medical condition. Good Luck and keep us posted.


You would have to get off of the Prednisone for a while before having surgery, but I dont think it would be a real problem other wise.  Any procedure is going to have its risks, but that is pretty routine. I dont know if the plastics doc would want you  to get documented clearence from you RD or not. But I would be suprised if you were not able to have the surgery. I don't know how severe your RA is or what if any other medical history you have and that could all be factored in too. If your RA is moderate and under control and you have been an otherwise healthy person, I think you will get the go ahead. Different doctors have different personal preferences about who they will accept too. At 27 years old, sure if you put on 30lbs your boobs will get bigger, but so will the rest of you.  I have met people on both sides of the coin as far as plastic sx and the long term results. Some people get it, love it, and say it was the smartest thing they ever did. Others get it and find out that it wasnt a physical aspect of their life that needed repair after all. Only you can make that decision and no one else can really know what you feel inside. If this is what you want, and this can somehow improve your life in some way, and you are medically capable of having it---then all I can say is good luck to you and I hope everything goes well. If for some reason you cant have it done, (I would be interested to hear about it) just dont get to frustrated with your RA. RA seems to take things from all of us in one way or another. Not totally comforting, I know, but it is the unfortunate truth.

Anyways  good luck and keep us posted!

Ok, you came and posted because you asked a question and you stated that you are considering having augmentations surgery done.

Keep in mind this is a seasoned group who suffers dearly on a daily basis with all that RA entails.Many people here have suffered for years, been through many surgeries and can share their stories to give you insight on what YOU MIGHT EXPECT. We have experience in the disease, it may not mirror your experience with the disease at all.

With all this in mind if you were my daughter I would ask that you reconsider but you are an adult and these particular decisions must be made by you and your Dr.'s. If you were my sister I would have to say..."What the heck are you thinking?" Ok, it is a body image thing, I can relate I buy my bras for .99 at Meijer. If you were my daughter which I realize you are not, here is what I would have you consider:

Have you ever had surgery before? Do you form keloids? DId you make this decision during a flare? ...cause I know that during a flare I would never consider placing myself in more pain. DO you understand what your body will do with the augmentation> this is an immune system disease. I see you are on Enbrel, a pricey RA drug that most people can only take if they have insurance, so I am assumming you are financially secure to have this surgery, so in the event of unforseen complications you will have insurance and financial security.

DO try to understand that asking for advice or support does not always bring about responses that you want to hear. At 48 I would never consider the surgery  but I am not everybody and each individual has their own way of viewing the world. If this is what you want and the Dr.'s give you the go-ahead, then by all means do what it is that you want.

 Being on the other side of 40 with this disease does render caution about certain things and being a person that has had nearly 10 surgeries since dx because "I had to" makes my point of view much different than someone who has never had surgery, or very little surgery.

You are fortunate that you live in a time where these medical procedures are available, especially if you get the go ahead  from a Rheumatologist. Let us know what you decide and if the Dr.'s ok this. Who knows, you may be a first to do this and it may prove to be positive. Personally, you may do fine but I know I would not take the chance.

Good luck

Sweetie, I think people are just concerned.  You should have lengthy discussion with your rheumatologist.  They should understand you physically best.

I will tell you this, my mom had a facelift when she was in remission of RA and was fine.  She wanted to reverse so much of the aging from prednisone, after she was off it, of course.  She worked closely with her doctors, but she was not having a foriegn substance placed in her body.

You need to heavily weigh those risks with your doctors.  I hope you find what you are looking for. Have you tried other forms of enhancement, like special bras?  That my sound silly, but it's something simple to consider.
Ok, I see where this is going. I figured I would get this response. I do not suffer any less than anyone on this panel I am sure. But that is besides the point. Like I said before my only reasoning for putting this on this forum was to see if someone went through it. I asked for someone to respond who had the procedure done. Obviously that isn't happening so I don't need anymore comments about it. Thanks for all of your concerns but I would like to leave the subject alone! Well, for the record, I am in no way against plastic surgery.  I really feel it is a personal choice and that we all have the right to choose what we want for our bodies.  I just wanted to express concern for the risks, because I honestly don't know the difference with RA or any other person.  I don't think any less of you for wanting to do something you feel good about.

Not sure what you saw in the replies you received, but I saw kindness and caring. 

I'm certainly not against plastic surgery.  I've had one procedure myself.  I lost 90lbs and still had some loose skin on my tummy so I had abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) done.  I had this done right before I was diagnosed.  I had pain in my joints before the surgery(just thought I had pulled something while using weights at the gym), but it was right after the surgery that it came on full force and then found out it was RA.

The best thing for you to do is talk with your doctor and see what he/she says.

Good Luck!


Yes, I agree with Kelly. I think you just need to clear it with the RA doc first. You know most of the posts here were not against plastic surgery, but you seem awfully sensitive about it and to be honost... that is something you need to think about. It is the hard truth... when family or friends find out about it, be ready to get some questions, and maybe negativity. You will probably have some whispers behind your back too.  Dont think that no one will ever know---because that never works out either.  I know from experience, some people are never accepting to permenant alteration of the body. There are those who think it is even sinful!  My feeling  is that I dont care what anybody else does to themselves as long as it does not affect me.  If you want to pierce your tongue (ouch!), shave your head, tatoo your dogs name on your arm, or have a boob job I dont care---I am not offended, I dont think you have issues. I know people who spend their whole lives trying to fit in to the "mainstream" and they are dull, unhappy people. Do what you think you need to do to make your life a good one.

The bottom line is, I and most others here are not trying to be judgmental...just that if you cause yourself undo pain and suffering in an attempt to improve your appearance it would be devastating. No one wants to see that happen. We dont know if it will. Maybe we shouldnt have responded if we didnt have the exact answer that you requested. But that is the way we are around here, we like to put our 2cents in on everything. Most of us like it. Sorry you didnt. We were just trying to help and if you read any of the other threads here you will see that is the norm for this board and the people who come here wouldnt have it any other way.


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