CRP | Arthritis Information


C-Reactive Protein   - Normal = 0 - 1.0

Mine was 12.45 recently. How about yours? Does your doctor check it regularly?Hi Sam, mine gets checked every two months and it's been normal since I started Humira 3 years ago.  It slowly came down after starting Humira and has stayed normal even though I've been off Humira for the last 3 months and have been flaring badly for those 3 months.    LindyAnyone else had this test?Huh?  Normal = 1.0???  My lab results say normal is 0.0 - 4.9. 
My CRP (C-Reactive Protein) was 3.3 mg/L  (reading and typing exactly from the page) and fell within "normal",  according to LabCorp.

There are many "normals" depending on the values that the lab uses.  Always double check what the range is on your particular report.

Mine is checked about twice a year.  My RD checks my CRP level every two months. Three weeks ago it was 22.9, which is pretty high. The value my lab uses is 0-0.5[QUOTE=Nancy R.]Huh?  Normal = 1.0???  My lab results say normal is 0.0 - 4.9. 
My CRP (C-Reactive Protein) was 3.3 mg/L  (reading and typing exactly from the page) and fell within "normal",  according to LabCorp.
My lab uses the following standards for the highly sensitive version of the CRP test:
< 1   mg/L  Low
1 - 3 mg/L  Medium
> 3   mg/L  High
> 10 mg/L  Persistent elevation may represent non-cardiovascular inflammation.   

C-Reactive Protein   - Normal = 0 - 1.0

Mine was 12.45 recently. How about yours? Does your doctor check it regularly?[/QUOTE]
That's high.  How are you feeling right now?  Are you in a flare?  I'm just curious because my inflammatory markers don't always correspond to how I feel.  Sometimes I feel fine when it's high, and other times I can be in a flare and it is normal.  It is frustrating.
I get mine checked by Labcorp every month.  Their normal is 0.0 - 4.9.  Mine has been as high as the sixties, as low as the twenties, which generally corresponds with my RA not being under control even if it doesn't correspond with how I'm feeling that month.kweenb,
Can you believe it? I don't have a record of it every having been checked before. Yes, I am in the middle of a flare that's lasted far too long. I think I have several things going on and actively hurting:
DDD producing pain in thigh
Vitamin D insufficiency [being resolved]
PsA pain in wrist:  need another Kenalog shot
OA: knees are screaming [starting another round of Synvisc on Tuesday]
The enocrinologist, orth surg, and RD thought most of the problems were due to the Vitamin D insufficiency. So we waited a bit. I've long since learned to trust my judgment about what caused the current pain. In this case, I'm fairly sure I reacted to the regular flu shot last fall. Simultaneously my Vitamin D hit bottom. And my Synvisc wore off. Around the same time my back was acting fact, my whole spine. I think I had a taste of Ankylosing Spondylitis, though my RD thinks not. [I think this because in addition to the pain in the spine and inflammation I would wake up from a dead sleep unable to breathe - once I sat up I was fine. I understand that this happens in some AS cases.]
I'm still working, but find I sleep a little more and now I have to have a mid day nap! Ironically, if I sit and work at my computer [i.e., stay still] it's all very tolerable.
Hate to complain, but this whole disease spectrum gets very, very old and tiresome.
I did a little research on the CRP and it turns out that many people with chronic inflammatory diseases run between 10-20.  CRP can go into the hundreds when the issue is really serious.
With the exception of this, I've always been negative on any inflammatory-related  blood tests. For the record, I'm seronegative RA.
Just had mine done. Dr said it was high. I think he said 14. I'm having a slight flare so I guess this is the causeOHH, Sam...I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time right now.  Yes, all that can be so frustrating I imagine. Maybe after your Kenalog shot and Synvisc you will start to feel some relief. I hope you feel better quickly! I know you can't have Enbrel but have your doctors considered any other medications that may help?  yes i to have mine checked at every visit. My highest ever was a 10. I recently had a 4.4 which it went down some but i cant tell a difference in how i feel either.
