Body Cleanse and Plaquenil | Arthritis Information


First, I want to say that yes, I am going to ask my doctor first.  I just wanted to post it on here also to see if anyone has any experience with this...

I'm currently on Plaquenil and have been for about two weeks.  I also had to take a Prednisone packet last week.  I wasn't able to finish the packet because it made me feel far too sick.

I've been wanting to start a 14 days cleanse and burn system.  It has three parts: a detox and cleanse, a probiotic replenishment, and a fat burner.

I figured it would be good for me, but I'm not sure if it will react poorly with my meds?

Again, yes I will ask my doctor first as soon as I can get ahold of him.  Just wondering if anyone else has any experience here??
Are you kidding? Not in a million years would I try one of those gimmicks. Great way to upset the system.About the Prednisone... Snow is right; stopping Pred suddenly can cause Bad Things with your adrenal glands! If you already did that, call your doctor immediately and tell him. Maybe your dose was already small but he should decide what to do.

About the feeling sick... Plaquenil made me have such severe diarrhea, I lost 30lbs. I stayed on it almost a year for the RA improvements it produced. When it stopped working and my hands got all crippled up again, I was put on Mtx but injections to avoid my poor GI tract so I've had no problems with that. So there's also the possibility that the Plaquenil makes you sick or it might be from an unrelated cause. Regardless which med is the culprit, your dr needs to know.
About the cleanse and burn... this doesn't sound like a good time to be doing something so drastic as that.  The probiotics won't hurt but I don't know about the rest. Ask your dr.
Those cleanses are pretty much hype.  You can do something healthier by going on three days to a week of eating just fruits, steamed and raw vegetables, plain yogurt, beans, juices, steamed brown rice and lots of water, and still take your meds.  And getting some exercise every day that you're able.
Green~Tara2010-03-17 08:58:26Thanks for the responses! 

I did stop the prednisone suddenly... had no idea it could be so dangerous.  I had been taking 60mg a day for 4 days and then quit.  They made me so incredibly dizzy and emotional.  I woke up and felt so sick and so down that I would just start crying.  And whenever I tried to sleep I could just feel my heart pounding.  I was having troubles taking care of my baby boy, so I decided to stop them.  Like I said, I had no idea how dangerous it could be.  It was a week ago that I stopped them and I have felt fine.  Do you think I should still be worried or am I in the clear?  Sorry,  I know that may sound stupid, but I guess I don't know much about prednisone at all.

In my defense about the body cleanse... I wasn't planning on doing it to lose weight.  I just thought it may be good for my body.  I had heard that cleansing your body could be really beneficial.  After all my body had been through with being pregnant and then having a c-section and taking pain meds and what not, I just thought it may be good.  My RA had been in remission, so I wasn't on any meds.  It was a fairly expensive cleanse that I bought, so I didn't want to have to waste it.  But it sounds like it may not be the best thing for me right now.
GreenTara, that healthy natural cleanse sounds like a really good idea.  I have started working out and feel amazing and that sounds like another good way to treat my body well.

Thanks again for the replies!!
