Sort of Bragging...OT | Arthritis Information


 I know I have updated on my son going through BCT at Fort Benning. I just want to give a little praise report. I am so proud of him. I appreciate all the well wishers and all the kind words, but it is my son who is proving that he has potential to do outstanding things...

Last week they were to qualify with their weapon, a M16A2. They are to fire 40 rounds from varies distances, they must hit at least 23 of 40 pop-up targets, from distances of 50 to 300 meters.

A recruit either qualify as a marksman

or as a sharpshooter

or as an Expert

Marksman is needed to graduate BCT.

Well the news I want Brag about is that my son was recognized and awarded a Battalion coin and pinned by the 2-47 Charlie Company Commander with an EXPERT BADGE!!!!!!!!

He shot a 39 out of 40!!!!

I am so proud of him. They rewarded him with free time in the Rec room Sunday, where he was able to get online (face Book) and post to all his family and friends and then he was allowed to call me and we talked for 26 minutes!! He graduates April 15th and it is my understanding that he will be recognized at graduation for this accomplishment. In practice he made 40 out of 40!

He has to qualify for Grenade's now. He told me he wants to earn his expert badge at the also. We will see. Thank you for letting me indulge in this little "Brag"/ I am very proud of my son, a American Soldier!

#1inflamedOnline2010-03-17 05:37:41

You have the right to be proud - I would be too.  Congratulations on such a wonderful son.  Sandy

Congrats, I'd be shouting it from the rooftops, all Mums are allowed to brag, its an unwritten rule!  Way to go, look forward to more bragging, hugs from Janie. That is AWESOME!!!!!!!  I would be very proud too!That's really impressive, and maybe even more than you think!  Not only do they shoot from different distances, but in all kinds of uncomfortable positions too.  My sons are both expert too, but they didnt earn that on the first go.  One of them teaches on the rifle range right now.  Congrats to your son, and brag away....that is quite an accomplishment.  :)Wow, I am impressed. I've never held a gun but something tells me I would miss all 40.
And you should be very proud of him. I am. You go ahead and brag all you like, Lisa.
Wow, that's great, Lisa!  Congratulations to your son!