Bone Scan | Arthritis Information


Hey guys,

I finally saw a Rheumatologist today - and she did not make a difinitive diagnosis yet.  She ordered more blood work as well as a Bone Scan with contrast.   Did any of you have this type of test to check for RA?  She was not a very good communicator and didn't explain what she was doing to me.
No, I didn't have a bone scan. Is that what they do nowadays? [I was diagnosed  many years ago.]
I think a lot of doctors tend not to take the time to explain anything unless you hound them with questions.
I'm not sure what a bone scan is either but my RA doc did a nuclear joint scan. They inject a very small amount of radioactive fluid (sounds terrible I know) and then take pictures of joints where you have problems. If the fluid accumulates there then you have inflammation going on. Kind of a funky thing but it was really good as I had a lot of pain but not so many visible signs of inflammation. However once the doc saw the results of this he was sure it was RA together with other symtoms.
I feel bad for you guys that don't get diagnosed quickly.  I was lucky in that all the signs were there and I had a RF of 350.  Good luck and keep us posted. Yes, my RD ordered a nuclear bone scan (I think it's the same as the joint scan Sky mentioned).  Even nowadays it doesn't seem to be used that often, but it was helpful in getting me diagnosed.  Since the doctor didn't tell you much, here's a link that explains more about it:  The injection was very simple, and while the rest was mainly keeping still while they take the scans, I found that part somewhat difficult with my particular pain (you might want to take a pain reliever before having it done if you think that may be an issue for you).  As I remember, there was a lying down scan (with my feet aligned so they were straight up), a sitting down scan of my feet, and a scan of my hands with my fingers spread apart.  All in all, it didn't take that long and the tech was very understanding.Thanks to everyone.  I will keep you posted. 
