5 star rant | Arthritis Information


"Oh, believe me honey, I know."

NO! YOU DO NOT!! You do not know what it's like to have this systemic autoimmune disease raging through your body causing all kinds of complications and leaving irrevisible damage! You do not know what it's like to be in pain ALL THE TIME! Telling me you know how I feel because you "have arthritis, too."
Do you use chemo to treat your arthritis?! Do you take umpteen pills daily just so you can move?! Do you have a TEAM of doctors treating your disease? Are you having to file for disability, use a wheelchair, braces, have someone else watch your kids because you cannot? Did you get a handicapped placard at age 30?! Do you worry about dying at a young age due to the side effects of the medications you have to take that won't cure your disease?! And do you deal with the reality that the medications will never make the disease go away? It will only slow it down?!?! That eventually your body is just going to turn into a wreck of deformities regardless of what you do??! I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT!
Don't proceed to tell me you know what I'm going through! I'm NOT old! My arthritis is not wear and tear! It's not caused by aging! My IMMUNE SYSTEM is attacking my body!!!!!!
And don't go insinuating that I am LAZY and UNGRATEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
I do what I can when I can and I end up paying for it later that day or the following days! I feel guilty for even having to ask for help! Do you know how hard it is to rely on someone else for your every need?!?!
YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE ME!!!!!! Not drinking soda, walking for 5 minutes a day and using bengay is NOT GOING TO MAKE ME BETTER!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah. You know I am pissed! I don't think I've ever, EVER ranted like this on here before in the 3 years I have been a member. I'm just SICK of the BS I get from a certain side of the family. All the little f-ing stupid comments have finally gotten to me and I've reached my limit. And after writing all this and venting, I'm STILL pissed!!
The part that really pushed me over the edge was the lazy and ungrateful comments. F you!
Ok. Maybe I feel better now. Maybe just a bit.
CO_Mel2010-03-18 09:38:14I have a combination of autoimmune and age-related arthritis [OA]. I've not run across one thing that can't be fixed in the OA - it's so predictable.  The autoimmune arithritis.......it's  a hit and miss situation. Sometimes stuff works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it goes into remission for a short while, and most of the time it's rearing its ugly head, getting ready to attack.
This will sound terrible, really terrible, but I think you will understand. An acquaintance recently moved to a seniors community. She's about 25 years older than me. Two her her friends [closer to her age] and I visited her. The friend was moaning and groaning about how she can't walk without her walker. The head nurse on staff at the community happened to pay her a visit while we were there and it was mentioned that the friend has run of the mill OA and that she could walk if only she would get up and do it. After two hours of listening to the friend's belly-aching.......and all the while dealing with my own set of aches and pains that were killing me and wondering if the recent increase in MTX might help my problem and if the flu shot was going to trigger another flare.....I had to leave. I had no sympathy for her. None. I would trade places with her in a heartbeat.
I don't know what you do with people who seem to think that all arthritis is alike. If they're readers I think you should run off copies of medical literature that they will understand that explains the difference. Short of that maybe the answer is just to bash them over the head with a pillow.
I'm sorry you're going through this Mel. As bad as it is, in my family my half-brother and step father also have autoimmune diseases so there's a community of understanding. On the other hand, those people in the family who do not have such diseases are in the dark. I'm sure some of them must think I am a hypochondriac because I am constantly going to doctors. Hah! If they only knew.
Good rant!   Sound off, thats what we  are here for.  Better here then the way I do it,  I get so fed up that I blow and tell the person my feeling in a very loud voice  and  that gets my BP up.
I also give that rant 5 stars! Well done Melanie!

As my RA is less severe than yours, and I am not using a wheelchair, I would be happy to kick some ass for you. Just point me in the right direction!

People don't understand. They just don't. I told my husband yesterday that I want to quit taking all these meds and quit seeing all these doctors. It's like my freakin hobby now. I'm so out of my mind frustrated by the whole thing now... I've gotten to the point where I'm actually embarassed to tell my doctor that I have a new symptom..... Cause it's always something, you know? Gah!

Oh ya, I just remembered, this isn't my rant. I really am so sorry Mel. Hang in there, we understand (((((( really big hug)))))You rock Mel!  We must all feel like this.  I'm going to have my gf read this right now and she's totally gonna understand.  I've been saying things like this in bits and pieces for a while. Great rant! It gets to me when people are like this. Sometimes more than others. None of us understand exactly what another person is going through.
Mel I hope things get better for you.
Hi Mel, I really like it, and with your permission I would like to copy it to hand to the idiots on my end that just don't get it, A1+! 

So sorry you had to do it though especially with family!  love Janie.  

I believe that it should be blown up and put on a billboard as an avenue of information to help people gain an understanding of auto-immune arthritis.!!!!!!!!!!!!  All in agreeance say 'I'...... Feel free to share my rant and add any f bombs you feel appropriate!!
I'm just sick of the excuse given to me for people who say these idiotic things - well, they just don't understand. UGH! I've TRIED to explain it to them and they are so hung up on the word "arthritis" that everything else goes in one ear and out the other.
Hello!? Not eating cheese isn't going to cure me and NO, I don't need an advil.
And how is it possible for a person to understand Lupus but not RA?!? Same disease, just different areas of attack! But for some strange reason, I'm just being a poon about the severity of my illness and the chronic pain and fatigue?!? A drama queen about RA!!?! ME?!?!
Can I get a big W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R? WHATEVER!
So annoyed, irritated, frustrated and hurt.
And to top it off I'm terrified about taking chemo infusions! Oh, but I'm sure EVERYONE uses chemo to treat good old Arthur in their KNEE. Wackjobs. So I'm scared and I'm angry and I'm hurt and I'm just downright pissy. Nothing good is going to come of me continuing to type tonight because the only two words I really have for those ignorant people start with F and end with U.
And on that, my fine friends, I bid you adieu.
Ok. I think I'm done with all that.
Time to find a solution to the problem.Might as well get it all out, Mel. Let 'er rip.
I feel like part of your cheering squad and there's some measure of satisfaction in that.
Excellent rant, thank you for expressing what's been bubbling under my surface too.   The night I had to be ambulanced to the emergency room, they all seemed to think I was a raving lunatic.  Nobody could believe I was in that much pain from silly little old case of arthritis.  A nurse actually told me to "chill out."  One arm was bent and locked and the nurse who put in the IV yanked on it, as I let loose with bloodcurdling screams she yelled at me "cut it out!!!!"
Another thing that's irking me is people with mild cases of RA asking me "why do you take those drugs and do that to yourself?  I stopped my symptoms with acupuncure / meditation / quitting dairy / blue green algea ......"  I'm sorry but if your symptoms went away when you started meditating you had a very mild case to begin with!
{{MEL}} I'm so sorry you're going through this.
Arrrgghhh!! Tara, yell with me, girl!!!  Everyone - all at the same time now:
This is really therapeutic (sp?).
You know, this whole thing is just the tip of the iceberg I think. One of the first holidays I met this side of the family, I was doing pretty bad. (When we got back home my doc said it was the worst she'd ever seen me!)
So I was dragging myself around the family party and someone asked what was wrong. Before I even had a chance to answer, a tsking voice comes over the crowd of 50 or so, "oh. She has arthritis." You know the tone I'm referring to and she also added a roll of the eyes and a dismissive hand gesture!!!!!!!!!! WTF?!?
Wow. I've used the f-bomb a lot. Feels good.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I cuss in conversation. I just try to keep it off the boards because I don't want to offend anyone. But dang, sometimes it's necessary!!!
I've said this before and I'll say it again and I quote myself:
"Saying it's JUST arthritis to someone with RA is like saying it's JUST cancer to a survivor."
Mel, we are all so brainwashed.  We try not to make a huge fuss, because who wants to hear about our physical pain, mental anxieties, and so on.  Then people think we're fine because we don't bitch all the time.
I loved your rants, they were great.  We have all got stories.  Even loved ones who aren't a-holes add to the burden.  I just decided to sell my business I've worked on for the last nine years, because I can't handle it with RA any more.  I called my dad, a great guy, to tell him before he heard it elsewhere.  I assured him that my meds were working all right, I was just too weak and exhausted to handle the rigors of a business.  He said, "Sounds like me, old age."  I had to grind my teeth to keep from saying, loudly, "THIS IS A LITTLE MORE THAN OLD AGE, AND I AM ONLY 53!"
But then again, while telling key people in the community about my decision, I've heard this too.  "I understand completely.  My mother/aunt/cousin is struggling with RA too, and it's a hell of a tough disease."  Thank you!
Hope you feel better, I enjoyed your fury and share many of your thoughts, only with the F-word occurring WAY more often.  I understand your fear about the new treatment.  Hope it works out for you.  We've got to keep trying.
[QUOTE=CO_Mel]And to top it off I'm terrified about taking chemo infusions! Oh, but I'm sure EVERYONE uses chemo to treat good old Arthur in their KNEE. Wackjobs.[/QUOTE]
I'm new here so please excuse my ignorance...you're taking chemo for RA??????????????  WTH?????  Is that normal treatment because I've never heard of that?   Although I was diagnosed in '07, I'm still learning about this horrendous disease, is that where we're all headed eventually?
[QUOTE=Green~Tara]The night I had to be ambulanced to the emergency room, they all seemed to think I was a raving lunatic.  Nobody could believe I was in that much pain from silly little old case of arthritis.  A nurse actually told me to "chill out."  One arm was bent and locked and the nurse who put in the IV yanked on it, as I let loose with bloodcurdling screams she yelled at me "cut it out!!!!"[/QUOTE]
Guess what?  Had that been me, that nurse would have been bitch smacked right across the face! [QUOTE=GG]Make them some Exlax brownies and relax Mel.[/QUOTE]
Or maybe they need brownies of another sort to lighten the Hell up! Mel, Try looking at this a little differently and not use the descriptive term of rheumatoid arthritis.

Use instead, "I have R A D", then stop.
I have found that you get that look that says, whats that!


Our disease definitely needs a new name! I like RAD... makes me think of "radical" and the teenage mutant ninja turtles. (Hey, I've got kiddos!)

I'm part of a forthcoming non-profit organization and our goal is to raise awareness about disease like ours. We are going to succeed and one day *everyone* will understand it's not just arthritis
Thank you, everyone, for your support while I raved like a lunatic! Feels awesome to have a family who knows EXACTLY what you're going though. Love you guys. I really do!
Hope everyone is having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day!
Wow. Shame on the person who sees a person in a wheelchair and calls them lazy.  And shame on the person who dismisses another's pain.  But I do feel sorry for the person who gets a big "f you" for trying to empathize, or offers an advil or cheese (?).  Although no one but you can feel your pain, most people can relate to suffering, and who are you to say that theirs isnt as great as yours?  I remember offering advil to a woman I was working with because she had a migraine.  She told me no thanks, that doesn't help a migraine. I wonder if she went away thinking I was a f-ing idiot because I didn't know that, or if she thought I was belittling her pain.  Hope not. I was trying to help.I think it goes both ways.  I've seen "just regular old arthritis" bring a tough burly grown man to tears from the pain... and it's not always fixable either.

As for the migraine/advil - actually, NSAIDs can be useful in treatment of migraine, especially in a person who can't take the triptans. 
There's a clear difference between people who offer what they have, trying to help, and people who minimize your condition by tossing an aspirin ar you or suggesting some dumb ass quick fix.  If it were as easy as that, I'd have done it long ago.  Snow, perfect example of being judged instantly by a moron.  Sorry about your friend's taste in men.  You obviously were polite and didn't inquire, "Why in the world do you think your opinion means jack to me?"  Sometimes I get so tired of being polite to those who aren't polite to me, but that's the Woman's Way.  The older and crankier I get, the more danger the morons I meet are in.Maybe the person with OA just wants to be acknowledged too.  Just because the the suffering may not be as bad, and really who's to say as we can only feel our own pain, but does that mean it should be written off, dismissed, because another is worse off?  I also think that people are usually just trying to relate as best they can by the closest personal reference that they have.  OA may not always be as bad, but whoever has it knows what it is like to live with chronic pain, they know what it's like to have loved activities become outside their reach, they know what its like to watch their hands become a gnarled mess.
Maybe Im way off, I know the tone and circumstance of a comment have to be taken into account too.  And Mel sure seems like a nice person.  My posts probably don't apply to her.
Oh! if you only knew what it's like to be made fun of from the time your born, just becauce your different.  If you only knew how it feels, to be made fun of, just about everytime you talk.  Then get RA and be treated like a crazy retare, becauce of the meds and the way you talk.  or to have people to pat you on the back and say nothing, give you a pity look like your dying or dumb.  Even Doctors.  I just want to scream, but if you get upset, you seem to prove their point.
Some people you can't help.  It's an insault to them, others are hurt, because you do nothing. they think you don't care.  It's hard unless you know the person.   But for someone to know you and what your going thur and offer you a aspirin  or to not help when they can, is crazy.
rusty2010-03-19 15:59:41

I'm not saying my pain is greater than anyone elses. My feelings were hurt because the symptoms of this disease always seem to be dismissed once people hear "arthritis." I receive comments that are downright mean.  When I try to explain what's going on, I hear, "let's not talk about that right now."

And now I'm crying because I'm so upset! I always ask how other people are doing first before I even mention my problems. I may be having the worse day, wishing for death - and I'll still call to check on my friends! I try to be supportive and compassionate and listen, offer that shoulder. I just wish everyone would do the same for me. And I just can't understand how, if they know what it's like to suffer on a daily basis, they can so easily dismiss my own pain and tell me to suck it up. CO_Mel2010-03-19 12:11:05Mel, we know you are an amazing person! You always try to look on the bright side and are always ready to laugh at yourself. You are also very caring and compassionate. You don't need to try to defend yourself here girl.. we LOVE you!

I think that Linn's comments were really more hypothetical than actually directed at you. You have every right to be upset. There is a huge difference between "Can I get you an advil?" and "Gees, just take an advil already". You were there, so I trust your judgement as to whether the person in question was trying to help or being dismissive. You strike me as the sort of person who would react kindly to kindness, no matter how lame it might be.

My mother and I speak very little these days. When she does speak to me, we never discuss my illness or how I'm doing. When I told her that I had been diagnosed with RA she told me that was impossible as there was no RA in our family. I reminded her that I know very little about my father or his side of the family (they could ALL have RA for all I know). She rolled her eyes and said "whatever". Then she told me I should be thankful I don't have a really horrible disease, like lupus. That was the sum total of the support I received. I don't know why she couldn't be sympathetic...although I suspect it has something to do with her long history of self-centeredness. I can't imagine having my child come to me with news that they have been diagnosed with an illness, any illness, and telling them to be thankful its not a different illness. So, as a result, we no longer have much of a relationship.   

I guess what I am getting at is that you can't change people. You really do have to accept their limitations. Your relative is compassionally retarded and I'm sure it effects her life and her realtionships in a negative way. (For instance, she is missing out on getting to know how wonderful you are!) All you can do is protect yourself and avoid, avoid, avoid!

Here's a big hug for you girl    I wasn't having a bad day.  I have an annoying tendancy to always be going...yeah, but what if they didn't mean it that way?  Maybe they meant this, or maybe that....  Maybe appropriate sometimes, but certainly not regarding a group of people I don't know and a situation I wasn't present for.
Here's a big hug for you too Linn We can never fully understand  someone else's pain.  It's hurtfull when we say something we shouldn't or in a way that it hurts someone.  
I had a friend who alway complained, alway sick.  Run the roads and did what she wanted, I got down with RA to the point I couldn't walk or tear bread apart, open a door, helpless, but she was still the one to pity.   She would come and help me and bring food, all the time complaining.
years later she went to hospital, I went to see her, she was running around complaining about everything.  She told me, They said I could go home tomorrow, but i'm not leaving unless I feel better then I do now.  I didn't say anything, but it was going thur my head.  Nothing wrong with you.  She didn't come home the next morning, she  died, about 4am....sad, we don't think before we talk or type.
Too bad we can't carry a club around and hit people, the same place, we are hurting so they would have some idea how it feel.
Thanks Mel for starting this, I understand what your saying. been there so many times.    Mel  (((HUGS)))  I know exactly how you feel and I am glad you came here rather than retort to the "inconsiderates"  ....

Leila... RA IS like Lupus....  I am sorry your mom's comments deteriorated your relationship with her... my RA deteriorated my relationship with my sister... It's like I have Leprosy to her.

I don't know which is worse... the inconsiderates or the fearful lack of understanding...

oh well.. they both lose. 

Feel free to vent to me any time... any place.... any how.... 
I am a great listener (that goes for all of you)
Oh thanks Bab. It's ok, our relationship has always been rocky. My mom got pregnant with me at age 17 and got married as a result. She had been a promising synchronized swimmer, but had to stop to become a wife and mother. Her life has been very difficult and she spends a lot of time dreaming about what might have been. She has told me numerous times that she gave it all up for me. So there's always been an underlying resentment. How she handled the news of my diagnoses didn't ruin our relationship... it was just the last straw.
I am VERY fortunate to have wonderful in-laws and friends... Not to mention my spectacular, brilliant, gorgeous AI friends!!! Here's a one liner that describes the whole thing:  YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!! [QUOTE=GG]Here's a one liner that describes the whole thing:  YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!! [/QUOTE]

that's one of my favorites...  right along side:

You can't have a rational discussion with irrational people

Don't get into a battle of the wits with an unarmed person.......this is one of my favorites and I think says it all about the individuals you've been discussing. 
I've never found a graceful way of handling people who insist that osteoarthritis in their thumb is the same as rheumatoid arthritis.  I usually end up trying to educate them.  Once I told a coworker that  arthitis in their finger wasn't going to kill them but rheumatoid arthritis could kill me.   That ended the conversation.  
This hasn't happened in a long time and at this stage of the disease I don't think I'd be as forgiving as I've been in the past.  I just don't have it in me any longer.  Lindy 
Waddie...no apology necessary.  I didn't think you were being rude, I thought you were sticking up for your friend.  But thanks anyway. [QUOTE=LinB] Don't get into a battle of the wits with an unarmed person.......this is one of my favorites and I think says it all about the individuals you've been discussing. 
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