ALT slightly elevated on MTX | Arthritis Information


My labs for one on the liver tests done every 8 weeks is coming back slightly elevated.

My RD says normal is 52 and I'm at 63 as of last week.  I currently take 15mg per week having already lowered it from 20mg in Jan because ALT was 57.  Now since reducing to 6 pills hasn't lowered my ALT he wants me to try to go to 4 pills per week, as long as my joints are doing well.  Has anyone else gone through this?  How big a deal is 63?  I have responded well to MTX and want to continue to do well.
My lab shows the normal range from 3-40. I've been on MTX for years and have never had any labs that showed abnormal results. I have noticed a slight jump [though still in the normal range] when I've taken certain other drugs.....but when the drugs were discontinued the labs showed the ALT had settled back into the "normal-for-me" mode.
ALT levels can elevate for any number of different reasons, some as innocucous as physical exercise.
The big question is, what was your ALT soon after you started MTX? Presumably you severely restrict any alcohol intake.
Remember that certain vitamin supplements may be toxic when taken in excess and might show up in the ALT.
