RA Flare or Injury? | Arthritis Information


My RA has typically followed a palindromic pattern... Random, big flares in one large joint that last about 24 hours and then nothing for weeks, even months.

After I had my baby, it changed a bit.  I would notice that my elbow or shoulder was slightly sore and it wasn't a big old flare like they normally are.

I'm now on plaquenil but haven't been for long enough for it to help at all.  However, my RA has typically been pretty mild thus far.

I've recently started working out again.  I've noticed that certain workouts hurt my left knee.  After working out, especially if I do jumping jacks, it's a bit sore, but certainly manageable.  Is that RA or do I just have a stupid knee?  lol 

And here is my main question...

About a week ago, I went on a walk with the hubby and baby and we were being silly trying to make our baby laugh.  So I did a couple of round off cart wheels.  Well the next day I noticed that the top of my right foot was sore.  This is how I can explain the spot that it is...  put your finger on your big toe and move it down and slightly to the right.  That spot has been sore for about a week now.  I didn't work out over the weekend, and it was pretty much gone.  I then worked out yesterday and it was back and pretty bad.  I know I sound stupid for asking this and probably more stupid for continuing to work out... but I don't know....  is this my RA?... is that even a joint?... and if it is, is that joint typically affected by people with RA?... or did I just possibly injure or sprain that part of my foot when I did that roundoff and it's just trying to heal and I keep on re injuring it?

I think people with RA tend to build a pretty good pain tolerance, so it's hard for me to know if I injured my foot and I should be going to the doctor, or if this is just an RA flare and I should just push through.

Any help or suggestions would be wonderful It's probably RA... I'm sorry!  I would say, don't quit working out but maybe change your workout a bit.  Jumping Jacks would test good knees!  Do you do them for cardio?  Maybe you could swim or bike ride?  I would take it easy until the pain is gone, then start slow.  I know strengthening exercises will help too, and if it continues to be a bother, talk to your doctor.

Now, about that round off cart wheel... when I do those... I am going to disagree with my esteemed colleagues here.  Sounds more like you pulled/strained something.  RA patients are prone to all the same injuries as non-RA folks.  If anyone suddenly starts doing cartwheels, hitting the gym, running, etc after an extended period of not doing such exercise (such as pregnancy!) they're bound to have aches and pains.  Sometimes really, really bad.  If it persists, go see the doc - perhaps you've got some sort of injury that needs further intervention.  But my money's on weekend-warrior syndrome.  The timing of the pain makes me tend towards injury, but with RA it's just too complicated so I don't know what to think. Except for the need to be extra careful... even because of simply being a mom... you don't need injury on top of RA.

I never could do a cartwheel... even when young. One of my daughters always performed them perfectly all across the yard or room, I wonder if she still can at 29. The other was like me; unable to get legs straight.... fraidycats of falling I guess.
So, being an adult cartwheeler is very impressive to me.
I'd get it checked out. Better to do that than to sit and wonder.
Now - on the subject of cartwheels. For me it goes somethng like this: stand on one foot with hands stretched up high and then topple over on fanny. Yeah, that sounds about right.
Thank you for the responses.  I took it easy today and just went for a long walk and my foot and knee were completely fine.  I think I just need to listen to my body better.  I was an athlete all through high school (actually, I played high school hockey... which is totally normal for females to do in MN!) and was always taught to push through the pain.  Mainly because it was just pain from working out hard.  So now when I work out and something starts to hurt, I forget that I'm a bit older and I now have RA, so pushing through is not the best idea.  My husband told me to quit the jumping jacks and just jog in place for that portion (it's part of a work out routine on a dvd I have).  I guess I just have a hard time admitting that there are certain things I can't do anymore.

On the cartwheel... you all are too funny.  My hubby was doing cartwheels and of course, I felt the need to show him up
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