How do you feel in the eveings? | Arthritis Information



I have a question that I haven't seen before in the forum (although I haven't read everything).
I'm wondering how you feel in the evenings regarding your RA. All the med web sites and discussions I see talk about the morning stiffness but nothing about the evening.
The reason for why I'm asking is that I seem to get more problems in the evening as well and not only in the mornings.
My pain is usually worse in the morning and gets better during the day. The afternoons are the best.
However during the evening I often start to swell up. My fingers and toes can become warm and I can have more swelling in the evening than in the morning.
I will talk to my RA doc on my next follow-up now that I'm starting to see a pattner in this.
Does any of you have this experience also or how are your evenings?
Hi Sky, for me, evenings are the worst time of day!  I am stiff for a while in the mornings, and afternoons are generally good, but the later it gets, the worse I feel.  The pain and stiffness will get so bad, I can barely walk! 

Journals help, so I keep one.  I don't write in it everyday now, unless I am starting a new med or start having some issue, but it makes for better communication and reference when I am talking to my RD. 

Hi Waddie,
Thanks for your answer! Good to know that I'm not the only one. I was starting to wondering why this is and I can't find much info about it. I would understand if I had been very active during the day but it seems to be random when it gets worse in the evening and not.
Today I haven't done any extra activity and yet my fingers started to swell and get warm and I have some ache and burn in my fingers and toes.
Mornings are typically tough for me until the meds kick in....afternoons go pretty well if I'm not in flare. But by evening I'm really tired. It's that fatigue that does me in.Sky, I too am far worse at night. Mornings the pain is in my feet, I limp around like I'm walking on spikes, but nothing else is that bad.  By evening, I eat dinner and fall on the couch and here comes the hand pain which worsens with every beat of my heart.  I'm also atypical in that the pain on my right side is far more intense than my left side.  I don't even take pain pills till late in the day.Hi,
Thanks for the replies. I feel more normal now!
It's really good to be able to ask questions like that here as I don't know anybody with RA and since I'm in the beginning of this ride I always get hung up on new things that happens etc.
Another thing that I've gotten hung up on right now is how long I'm going to be on these NSAID's (I eat Sulindac together with the MTX). Do I eat them until I get stomach problems or would it be worth trying to go to a skin patch or gel or something? I don't know if that has the same effect though.
I am much better than I was a couple of months ago but I do still have active disease (as the doc called it) in my hands and feet.
I get stiffness and pain in the morning, then I'm good for a few hours, then in the evening I get the flu type symptoms.  The strange thing is that I feel very feverish but when I take my temp it's normal.  By 7 pm I'm looking forward to bed time.HI Sky, I think its mainly the fatigue that brings it back on later in the day, our RA reacts to all sorts of stress especially tiredness.  Hope you feel better soon, regards Janie.