My Update! | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone!

It's been quite awhile since I've posted but I thought I would update everyone on how I am doing.
We returned from our two years in South Korea last year and I made sure I went with plenty of my meds although we did find the socialized health care system really good.
I am still in remission using AP Protocol (Minocin) but I have know run into a problem.  My doctor has treated RA patients with this for 15 years now so he is well versed in the treatment.
As of January 1st, my insurance will no longer pay anything towards a namebrand script when a generic is available even if doctor ordered. These is a difference between generic and name brand Minocin. My insurance prior to this did make me pay an additiona 10% to use namebrand which was fine with me.
My doctor said that he has had patients switch to generic but with symptoms reappearing. I called my health insurance and so did my husband to no avail. So I have my congressman looking into it for me but I'm sure that will come to naught.
This will be a 0-500 cost to me per month.  I am toying with going to Canada where it would be half that amount.
I am doing so well that I did even think about going off the medication totally but what I've read and my doctor says that would be a bad thing to do.
I'm just sick of insurance companies telling my doctor how to treat me.
But I hope to continue with the good health and no pain. I never take a day for granted.

I wish you all well!!

Ugh, that sucks. I clearly remember one time I called the insurance company to do battle with them over a drug and the idiot clerk came right out and told me my doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. Can you imagine?

As usual, the insurance companies think they know best, just an idea, but have you thought about writin to the drug company and hopefully receiving a compassionate supply or paying them direct the amount you were paying?  Best of luck, I feel for you, hugs Janie.  No Janie, I hadn't thought about that. Thank you for the suggestion.
My insurance WILL pay for any biologics which are much more expensive. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
Hi Becky, *groan* insurance!  I could never figure out how someone who knows nothing about you, sitting far away behind a desk could dare to out guess your doctor and know what was best for you!  Go figure!

Maybe you could try talking to a supervisor?  I usually try to go up the ladder, see if some higher up has more sense!  Also, maybe try the HR department of your company.  Looks to me if you can show medical necessity... If all that failed, you might want to try ordering from Canada.  I don't know much about this, but I live close to Mexico, and I think I would try Canada before I would try Mexico.  Probably stricter controls and less corruption, IMHO.  I don't know anything about how to go about this or what the restrictions are.

I wish you the best of luck, let us know what you find out, okay?

I did contact the manufacturer and we will see what they say. We went to the top at my hubby's company because they set up the package with Blue Cross. Canada is certainly an option too. I have about 3 months left.
The difference between the generic and namebrand may seem insignificant but it has to do with the absorbtion rate. The namebrand is a capsule with pellets in it, the generic is powder. The pellets are absorbed at a slower rate and that's the difference when fighting the RA.
For myself, minocin works and I feel very thankful so why can't my insurance company just accept that.
It's a terrifying thought to me to switch and have the RA come raging back. It was a long road to this point and who wants to go backwards.
Let's hope I can get some good news.
