Marshal protocol, (CLUFUS IS BACK) | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

long time since i had time to get in here.  I am back in Texas, working and overall feeling good.  i am having trouble with my feet.  Dr too xrays and sees little arthritis, he then looked at 2006 xrays and he question how i managed to walk they were so bad.  So don't know whats going on, dont think my artritic bones can heal and still have pain.  anyway i have slowely reduced my meds and plan to go on the Marshal protocol soon..  The basis is similar to AP, but the add an antagonist to bring out the deep set bacteria and leave it for you immune system to deal with, then add antibiotics later when your immune system needs some help.  I just need to beleive i am heading for a cure rather than starting the MTX/Humira/Folic Acid and all the crappy side effects again.
Has anyone tried MP?  love to hear how its going.
