My job and RA | Arthritis Information


I am so sad right now.  It looks like my boss is going to push me going back to work.  I have worked there eight years.  My rd put me on disability until June and I told my boss and this is the email I got from him this morning.  I am so sad.

Roxanne - I wish I had a magic wand to make things better - but I do
not. With April 1, 2006 coming up and the inevitable warm weather, I need
to make plans for this season. We really need you back April 1, 2006.
Please take the attached Job Description and Physician's Letter to your
doctor and have it completed and returned to me as soon as possible. We
will both be in a better position to make plans with that information.

You have to remember, we have a union so he is watching his p's and q's but I am a six month permanent ranger and last year I was out four months.  I am so sorry.  I wish I could say something comforting other than, this sucks.  Maybe the warm weather will help your symptoms.

I know how hard it is to worry about your job.  I keep thinking if enough time goes by, things will get under control.  Maybe they will work out your position for light duty.  I hope there is a compromise.  Working keeps you out in the world feeling part of society.  I am working part time right now even though it hurts, but I can sit.  I think working is good on your mental health.  Good luck.  I will be wishing for the best for you.

I'm so sorry to hear about your work Roxy.  It seems so unfair, we have to let go of so many of the things we used to call 'our life', each bit we lose seems to be that much harder to deal with. 

Is there a possiblility of going back part time?...on lighter duties? a more user friendly part of the park (ie; flatter for walking, nearer to civilization)?... Hopefully some type of compromise will be able to be reached. 

Hoping for a solution that will benefit all parties.


Roxy...If your doctor wants you off until June, how can your boss force you to go back to work?

Yes..I wonder that also...How can your boss force you to go back to work with a doctor putting you on disability? That one doesn't quite seem right. Being that you are in the union wouldn't they back you on this?

Hope it works out. What a pain added to all the other pains.

Maybe part time-light duty is a solution.

Keep us posted.


I was wondering the same as everyone else, I thought you would be protected untill June.

I do contract work so I dont have to go if I dont want to, but I dont have any type of sick pay, or other benefits.  I am starting to think I may need to take an additional job just so I will have some type of disability benefit if I need it. I dont even know how any of that stuff works, for now, if I dont work---I dont have anything.This stuff makes me sooooo angry!  Your docs should advise you about working, only thing is that some docs want people who shouldn't be working to continue working.  Something I have never really understood at all. 

If it is going to have a negative impact on your health, then you should investigate your benefits and find out about short-term disability benefits.  I had to do that for my husband while he had colon cancer.

Here was the real kicker.  His oncologist who was wonderful otherwise insisted he could work through the chemo.  I told her that he was way too sick.  Only after he was hospitalized for over a week wtih chemo colitis did she finally agree he could not work. 

The way the disability insurance worked, if he had gone in even for 1/2 day then there would have been a 90 day waiting period before the short term disability would kick in.  Now, knowing this, I insisted he stay out of work during the time between his surgery and first few rounds of chemo to see how he would be.  Fortunately, he had the sick time to do this and the disability became retroactive.  However, knowing the rules is important.   He probably could of worked a couple of half-days inbetween but then we would have started from squrare one again. 

Applying for short term disability is a maze.  One must get ALL your medical records and fill out a plethora of forms but do it, its worth it if you have the coverage because you get paid then.  Your job is then protected as well by law.
I am soooo sorry to hear about your job

My boss said no light duty and he said we will discuss part time after I bring forms in.  He is making this big deal out of I am only contracted 6 months out of the year.  I was off four months last summer,  I flared the entire time, and now I am asking for two more months.  He doesn't understand RA.

I am going to my gp today and see if she can help me.  I feel like I am screwed either way.  If I go back, I don't think I can do the job or it will set me back with my RA.  If I don't go back, I lose my job.  It is a good job - trust me.

I will let you guys know.  I have been so upset.  I hope I have some good news for you.  LoVE Rox

Roxy, I've been in the same position as you. The boss doesn't understand and you feel as if you're between a rock and a hard place. Disability can only protect you just so far and then you're on your own. Maybe it's time to start to explore ALL of your options. Look into the possibilty of working inside were you have to do less walking with in the Ranger system. Explore the idea of going out on total disability. Maybe you can look into going into another field. But most important, DON'T just sit back and do very little or nothing. You're smart and can find a way around this. You may have RA but RA doesn't have you.
   Okay enough of the tough talk. With your love of the outdoors, maybe you can start with giving talks about what turns you on when hiking or how to ....
Roxy, hang in there. Somthing good will come out of this.


I have had a simular experience.  It is so hard to have a chronic illness and have to work...OR...if you get sick...having the time you need to heal.

My prayers are with you honey.  I know it will work out.


The reason why he is saying he can't take you back on light duty is to protect the state park.. Since your disability wasn't caused by working at the state park they do not have to take you back on "light duty".  That is only allowed if you are hurt on the job, then they must find you a position that you can do with out complicating your health.  Unfortunately this is how workman's comp and disability laws are written.  When I was out for my carpal tunnel surgery the dr would only let me back to work on light duty for another six weeks, well the manager of the store said no so my immediate supervisor asked me to go back and get a note that stated  I could return to work immediately with no restrictions, what he did was just give me light duties until the six weeks were over.  I was lucky that I could do this, but the law states, unfortunately, that unless you were hurt at work they do not have to accept you back with light duties

You do have to look at things realistically though. Don't sit home for the next 3 to 6 months wishing you didn't have RA and hoping that you can soon return to your former self and your former capabilities. Put some effort and energy into rethinking your career decisions. Are there other things you might want to do? Other things that you might find interesting in the long term so that you can go back to work and be able to manage with your illness as well?

You have been the first to admit from the very start that being a Park Ranger is a very physical job. It requires someone that is very physically fit to manage the responsabilities of the position. It's the responsability of your employer to have someone in that position that can manage the duties that are required. I'm sure you realize that.

As much as I'd like for you to be physically fit to be able to return to work....I'm not sure that's going to be possible in the time frame that's required here. I sure hope I'm wrong....but if I'm not; it might be a good idea if you start thinking about Plan B.

Just think about it. Sometimes when the good Lord closes a door....he opens a window. Try not to focus so much on what you've lost and try to think a little more about what you might have to gain in the future. Keep your mind open to new opprotunities.

All meant in friendship~


I'm sorry you guys.  I am so depressed.  My gp wrote a letter saying I could go back on light duty only.  I might be able to return to normal in June.  I don't know if they are going to buy it Well, Roxy, look at it this way.  You will still have a job, and you may have a turn of events with your medications and get things under control.  You are fairly new to this still, so don't give up hope. 

And depending on your state, they aren't even required to give you light duty, so realize that is a blessing too.

I understand what it is to lose your dream.  My job is compromised and on the line in limbo til I know how bad this is going to be for my life.  I am crossing my fingers too.  I am working less than usual and barely getting by.  I hope I can get some relief after seeing the docs for my first RA appointment Monday.

Hang in there.  You will probably feel better when you get back to some sort of work.  I know that being out in society helps me a lot.
arizonara38790.9081481481Good luck Roxy, I hope everything works out.Gosh Roxy, I am so sorry to hear this. I know how
much you love your job and how it is a part of and an
extension of you. I don't really have any ideas or
much knowledge about disability laws (I need to
learn though), but just wanted to encourage you to
hang in there and don't give up hope. Your skills and
enthusiasim and love of nature play a vital part in
people's lives.

TaraThanks you guys.  I should know by next week.  I know you are all trying to support me and I appreciate it.  I am pretty devastated.  Trying to get the doctors and my boss to work with me.  Say a prayer for me.  I really cannot imagine doing anything else.  I should know by next week.  Love you all and forgive me for not handling this well.  I'm so sorry  This has to be hard.  Is there any possibility you could train other rangers, work on the website, administrative stuff, something like that?  I know it doesn't seem this way now but remember when a door closes, others always open, just keep your mind open to that and you might find exactly what you need. 

Sending postive vibes your way.
[QUOTE=roxy].  Love you all and forgive me for not handling this well.    [/QUOTE]

You are handling it like a champ.  It takes a lot of strength to deal with all the complications this disease brings.  Please don't apologize for how you feel.  You have so much of who you are on the line here, and I hope you find a solution that leaves you feeling satisfied. 

Roxy, What about a union? Do you belong to one through your job? I am going thought the same thing with my job although the doctor wants me to keep working and I don't think I can full time. tHE REASON SHE WANTS ME TO WORK ANOTHER 3 1/2 YEARS IS SO THAT I DON'T LOOSE MY HEALTH BENEFITS. The union has a lawyer working with me. The Americans with disabilities act( ADA )says that companies of more than 15 employees must make reasonable accommodations so that you can continue working if they can do so without incurring unreasonable cost. You might look up on internet info about ADA AND REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS. Reasonable accommodations in your situation might be letting you take more breaks, do less strenuous tasks, etc.

Good luck, my heart and prayers are with you. 

Thanks Linda and all,  Yes Linda, I have been doing all kinds of research. 

I met with my boss feeling prepared.  We came to a compromise.  I am going to go back part time April 15 and start full time May 1.  We talked about what would make it easier on me and I told him, just the flexibility to not walk, sit or drive for too many hours.  Let me do a variety of activities, which I can do at my own discretion.  So - I have a little less than a month and back to work.  I think I can do it, especially the weather will be better.

Been very busy.  Working on Brett's house to rent.  Miserable weather, rain in the valley constant and snow at Bretts.  Been pretty sore but not surprised between working on his place, stress, travel and weather.

Good news.  I was determined to wean off prednisone before I returned to work.  I am down to 1 mg. which I think is a placebo but I am taking it for a week - then - I AM OFF OF IT

I have missed you guys.  I have not been on computer- too busy.  Things will be calming down soon.

So, so far so good, I didn't lose my job and we are so close to not having to go up the mountain all the time.

I will check in soon.  I just need some rest.  I am getting my colonoscopy in the next two weeks- making appt. tomorrow.  Brett said he would get one if I get one


          Glad to hear the good news. You can do your job. Have a positive outlook