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HI guys, I have had to come off of MTX due to terrible skin problems and now shingles, my GP says I should stay off, as my liver tests are abnormal again so my next possible trial drug (as I don't qualify any other way) is Actemra (tocsilizumab), after this at present I have no other choices, any ideas?  I have started to flare worse and have nodules forming and the fatigue is making me feel awful, then with DDD on top which is currently being treated with spinal radiofrequency, and osteoarthritis in spine and fingers and neck is the worst.  My ribs are always painful, apparently from RA in facet joints in spine?  I don't think any one drug is ever going to cut it, but my pain specialist is at least trying hard to conquer one at a time.  Just venting really, I don't really think anyone can come up with an answer, I have tried AP too, but did not work for me, so I am asking for advice, cheers friends. XX Janie.  Poor Janie. I really feel for you.

I"ll throw something out there and maybe it will work for you, albeit temporarily. I have DDD and OA, too, in addition to all the autoimmune stuff. Recently I had a really bad flare of 6 months. When I went in to get my knees Synvisc'ed my orth surg also gave me a Kenalog shot in each knee. 24 hours later the flare in my lower back - thought to be due to the DDD - was gone. GONE.
So that tells me that the Kenalog [cortisone] was circulating systemically and all I needed was that little bit to quell the inflammation in the spine.
I'm not saying this is the case for you, but I wonder, would a low dose Sol-Medrol dose pack be in order?
Meanwhile I'm sending hugs and prayers.
Janie,  Janie, if you're looking for a non-biological, there's Arava (which a lot of people have had problems with, but success for some) and Imuran.  Seems to me these would be more "replacements" for mtx than Actemra would.  I currently take Imuran and am waiting to start Actemra in addition to it.  Whatever you try, I hope you find something that works.Thanks Innerglow, have tried both, Arava was fantastic but side effects became intolerable unfortunately.  Imuran nearly killed me, had an ambulance come, had to have drip due to dehydration from vomiting and diarrhoea, I am very sensitive to all the drugs, that is my main problem but I appreciate all suggestions, thankyou very much, Janie.