Lumps in inner wrist/tendonitis | Arthritis Information


I have a pretty well developed lump (which I could attach a photo) in my inner left wrist toward the thumb side.  My RD described it as tendonitis.  Now another is developing on the right inner wrist, toward the ulnar side. 

Wondering if I should call the surgeon who did my thumb?  What happens in these "lumpy tendon" situations, cortisone injections?  PT?  Surgery?  Scared and fed up but my repetitive flares seem to be aggravating these new lumps.  I do not think they are ganglion cysts.
Thanks for any feedback.
Try the Kenalog injections.
Is it due to repetitive motion strain? Or do your wrists have a mind of their own?
Tara, I have lumps - 4 - on my left Achilles.  I've been told there is nothing that can be done.  I discussed this with RD and my podiatrist.  RD said they were RA nodules and if I had them removed, they would probably come back.  Podiatrist did an ultra sound and one of the lumps is actually going through the tendon.  I had 2 on my right Achilles, but they went away.  Fortunately, they don't hurt or impair my mobility.  I have had them for years now.  They are gnarly to look at though...

Do yours bother you?  Did you discuss them with RD?  I'm sorta to the point of "If it doesn't hurt and it won't kill me and it doesn't bother me in getting around, I'll leave it alone."  I'm like this because, like you, I'm fed up.  Flares aren't so bad for me, unless I'm off my meds for some other reason, but Sheesh!  Sam, it is probably a combination of RA and repetitive stress from my job.  The large left wrist lump began about 2 years ago when my Enbrel wore off and the Season of Flares began; the right one is smaller and associated with the most recent flares.  If a Kenalog injection could help I'm willing to go for it.  In fact I'm going to ask for one in my frozen elbow on Wed. when I see RD.

Waddie, I'm glad your lumps don't hurt.  Mine are painful and worse during flares and are red to purple.  The bad one is becoming pointed!  Swear to God, isn't it like being possessed by an alien?  Wish it would pop out of my chest and run away already.  BTW Waddie how is the Cimzia working for you?  I'm going to ask my RD his thoughts on spreading out the two injections = so I have one, then another in two weeks, rather than waiting a full month between doses.

Many thanks for the feedback.
My lumos looked more like tissue swollen about the size a little smaller than a golf ball. In my case the Kenalog worked for a bit but after about a year Kenalog no longer worked. This happened in my right wrist [I'm right-handed]. It definitely was tenosynovitis in my case, caused mostly by the repeititive motion [mouse use]. In the end the orth surgeon went in and did a de Quervain's release which eliminated the pain. His comment post surgery was that I had so much fluid build up from the swelling that he spent a lot of time "mopping up." From the time of that surgery I have never had a problem. I am not limited in use of my wrist. I have made a change to a true ergonomic mouse [let me know if you want info on this] and all has been well ever since. This was about 3 years ago.
Again, our problems may not be identical, but this is a case where I thought for sure it was the arthritis, but it wasn't wholly attributable to the arthritis. It was mostly due to the repetitive motion.
Sam, thank you so much - I will definitely consult a hand surgeon, if for nothing else than a better diagnosis than my RD peering at it over his glass and saying "hmm, looks like tendonitis."  If you could post a link to that mouse, I'd really appreciate it.  The big one is on my left, which I've been mousing with since my right wrist surgery!  Now that I've switched it's starting on the right so mousing seems a definite culprit.
Thanks so much for your input Sam!!
Here's the mouse. Lots of ads will claim the mice is truly ergonomic but don't believe it. A TRUE ergonomic mouse  will have your hand in a position as though you're shaking hands, not offering your hand to Prince Charming to be kissed.
It takes a little getting used to.....a day or two.
Bad news is that if you're left handed you're out of luck because, to the best of my knowledge, MS hasn't made one for lefties and I should think it would be hard for lefties to use the mouse as it is currently configured. [But then, maybe not.]
Sometimes the mouse is a bit hard to find, though most Staples and Office Depot stores carry them. In fact, I just bought another one for one of my other computers a couple weeks ago and got it for about .....used to be .
But again, if repetitive motion is the culprit, you may need the de Quervain's Release surgery. It's a simple outpatient surgery and you will be mousing the next day [if not earlier]. Again - see a good hand surgeon. If you're in southern CA let me know and I'll put you in touch with mine.
Thank you so much!  No, I'm not left handed but had more damage in the right and adapted ... the handshake position is comfortable for me, this is exciting news!!!!  Now I need a handshake keyboard.  Waddie I'm so glad to hear the RA is being helped but that is concerning news about the side effects.  I hope they are from something else and not Cimzia side effects.  Allergies, perhaps? I hope your RD can nail it down.  The edema does sound extreme.

When I started it, I had that dull, all day headache too, and gained weight the first month.  No skin issues or edema for me.  The Cimzia makes me feel better for the most part but I keep having break-through flares.  And there were two episodes while I had the flu virus in which I was rendered a screaming banshee from the pain (inc. my 911/ER episode).  My sister thinks it was the Cimzia, my RD says no it was the flu virus. 

Keep us posted - best of luck to you, I hope the side effects go away.
