Anxiety / Panic Disorder due to RA? | Arthritis Information


Just wondering if anyone has had anxiety or panic attacks come on due to RA or a medical condtion they have and what your experiences were with this?
Currently I'm seeing a psychiatrist, wants me to take meds but I am really not liking the side effects and would rather not take any meds at all. I have started Cognitvie behavioral Therapy to help deal with panic attacks, but I just wonder if anyones had any experiences with this? I'm noticing how debiliating anxiety can be and wonder if you've been able to stay off of meds and has your anxiety gone away? When I'm not on the antidepressants for my anxiety, I get jerked out of my sleep, get hit with weakness, very nauseated, and remember having extreme panic attacks where I had to go to the ER a few times when I didnt know what this was, and those happened last year so it's been about 8 months. I just wonder if it's every possible to get over this without medication? The cognitive behavioral therapy I've been told with help deal with the panic attacks it's self, how to get through one, but I dont want to have anymore, just wonder if they will ever stop.
Has this or anything similar happened to anyone here?
RA has never been, to the best of my knowledge, the cause of panic attacks. It's generally more deep-rooted than that.
RA or chronic illnesses may cause anxiety, but generally not to the point of full-blown panic disorder.
I felt extremely insecure about myself, I was anxious about things that would NEVER have caused me a second thought prior to my last flare.....
I had always been a confident woman.... but this disease caused me to feel insecure about many aspects of my life.  While I didn't have any panic attacks, I did avoid situations that may have caused me to feel overly anxious during that time of my life....
Sam... I'm not sure that anyone can make such a broad statements regarding "your knowledge" not being a professional specialist in the psych management realm???
edited to remove "I tho"  .. what I intended to say I have no clue  Thanks Sam and Babs :)  I really am thinking I get my anxiety from worrying so much about these different problems that keep comming up from my meds and RA...Just dont know how to stop the anxiety without medication and HATE the side effects of being on an antidepressant. (huge weight gain, heart palpatations, eye problems...etc) like my mom says, "you're dam..ed if you do and dam.ed if you dont!" Either deal with anxiety that can be very debilitating OR deal with the wonderful side effects of the anti depressants....there by getting MORE depressed from the huge weight gain! LOL [QUOTE=babs10]I felt extremely insecure about myself, I was anxious about things that would NEVER have caused me a second thought prior to my last flare..... Reminder: anxiety and panic attacks are worlds apart.  
Sam12342010-04-12 14:40:51Sam.. why didn't you share your expertise on the forum? 

I was diagnosed late last year with Generalized Anxiety.  I really don't think it's from my RA.  My GP thinks it's more likely due to my age, meaning hormonal.  I'm not doing any behavioral therapy, just prescription. 
The first drug I started on caused a 20 pound weight gain in a short amount of time.  I couldn't handle the constant eating and asked my doctor to change it.  I changed to another drug that gave me horrible headaches.  Now, on my third prescription, I find that this is the one for me.  I actually lost the 20 pounds rather quickly and feel a lot better.  Maybe you just need to tell your psychiatrist that you'd like to try something different?
Hope you feel better soon.  Anxiety sucks!
KELLY.... An excellent book  that I can recommend is "From Panic to Power" by Lucinda Bassett. As for antidepressants and side effects, I take a low dose of Citalopram and I have had NO side effects whatsoever. I can say that my anxiety has all but gone This anxiety started when I went OFF methotrexate. It was horrible and I have not stopped the citalopram for fear of it coming back and the fact that I have had no side effects whatsoever. It is what my doctor says she gives to her "little old ladies"
Of course if you can avoid medications you should always do so... but anxiety to me was by far the worse thing that I have ever had to deal with. Quality of life is important and I think we have enough to deal with the RA, let alone with anxiety. You may feel that some medication may be helpful while you continue your therapy. I really encourage you to read the book... she will give you both sides of the situations. I know people who had tried the CRT alone and it has not been sucessful by itself, but that doesn't mean that it won't be for you.
Anxiety is one aspect that I think we CAN control and nowadays I think it is really unnecessary to "suffer through it". I now know 4 or 5 peole who have confided in me that they take citalopram for anxiety and that it has really helped without all the side effects.
Of course, I am not a doctor and have no medical opinion... just a personal one .It was so awful for me that my heart goes out to anyone that is having to deal with it.
Good luck. I hope that this is helpful.
I do know a lot about panic attacks... my grandmother suffered and would call me in the middle of the night.. I'm having a heart attack.. I can't breathe .. I'm dying....... I'm afraid.. It woke me up...... etc....
She was a high anxiety as well.... and yes, she suffered from RA.
I'm not saying these things are entwined or one causative of the other...
But... my experience was when I was flaring.. everything made me fearful.. walking somewhere....   going anywhere alone... and if you are someone who could have panic attacks... that would certainly bring it on....  the fear the shaking - feeling like she was going to vomit..  her heart was crushing.. I watched my Ex-SIL have a panic attack.....  she was agoraphobic and hadn't told me.... 
not good..... scary

[QUOTE=Sam1234]Reminder: anxiety and panic attacks are worlds apart.   [QUOTE=klynn141]
Just wondering if anyone has had anxiety or panic attacks come on due to RA or a medical condtion they have and what your experiences were with this?
Currently I'm seeing a psychiatrist, wants me to take meds but I am really not liking the side effects and would rather not take any meds at all. I have started Cognitvie behavioral Therapy to help deal with panic attacks, but I just wonder if anyones had any experiences with this? I'm noticing how debiliating anxiety can be and wonder if you've been able to stay off of meds and has your anxiety gone away? When I'm not on the antidepressants for my anxiety, I get jerked out of my sleep, get hit with weakness, very nauseated, and remember having extreme panic attacks where I had to go to the ER a few times when I didnt know what this was, and those happened last year so it's been about 8 months. I just wonder if it's every possible to get over this without medication? The cognitive behavioral therapy I've been told with help deal with the panic attacks it's self, how to get through one, but I dont want to have anymore, just wonder if they will ever stop.
Has this or anything similar happened to anyone here?
Prednisone can cause panic attacks in some people.  It is an uncommon side effect, but it can and does happen... [QUOTE=klynn141]Thanks Sam and Babs :)  I really am thinking I get my anxiety from worrying so much about these different problems that keep comming up from my meds and RA...Just dont know how to stop the anxiety without medication and HATE the side effects of being on an antidepressant. (huge weight gain, heart palpatations, eye problems...etc) like my mom says, "you're dam..ed if you do and dam.ed if you dont!" Either deal with anxiety that can be very debilitating OR deal with the wonderful side effects of the anti depressants....there by getting MORE depressed from the huge weight gain! LOL[/QUOTE]

Not all the antidepressants cause weight gain (some actually cause mild weight loss), and the side effects do tend to vary by person.  There are lots of options available, and you don't have to take them for the rest of your life.  They can instead serve as 'training wheels' - enabling you to go about living your life as you get the anxiety and/or other issues under control via some sort of counseling/psychotherapy/etc.  [QUOTE=Lynn49]
Number one let me say good for you for venting about these issues. Venting will help you alot. I would like you to do more of it. You have our support in doing so.
I do not know what meds you are on but alot of them take time for your body to adjust to and the side effects may lesson. It varies person to person.
Also complain to your doctor. Make the doctor aware of what side effects you do not like.
Some side effects a person may not be able to deal with and another med may need to be used. Still you would be in a situation where you would need to give your body time to adjust if you did need to switch meds.
Tell your doctor. They take weight gain seriously if it is alot. So make sure they know how much weight you gain.
I love my meds but I have had meds in the past I did not like. I am drinking diet RC. LOL I am allergic to all other diet drinks. Sorry that is a different subject. LOL
I gained some weight but probably from the pred shots that I had in my toes. Maybe some from the Lyrica also. I like my meds and the relief I am getting so I do not care about the weight gain. My actual anti deppresant says that only one percent of people gain weight on it and 99 percent loose weight. Lryica is different story. LOL
milly2010-04-12 23:38:18I think thyroid problems CAN cause anxiety attacks, and many of us have thyroid issues along with RA.
Have you had your thyroid  levels checked lately?
Thanks so much for all your stories/advice! 
Bodak: when you said " Now, the smallest (and most stupid) of things can set me off..."  I completely understand that! I've noticed when I get into any kind of discussion where it escalates even just a little, or am in any kind of mildly stressful situation I feel it, my body gets week, i get shaky, body gets tired... It's so strange how I am affected now whether its from RA, meds, or anxiety.
Wantingtoknow: Thanks for the book suggestion, I will go take a look.
Milly: The meds I have tried taking were Effexor & lexapro (not good side affects) now have been on Mirtazapine for 8 months. That makes me eat like never before. The Psychiatrist said he's seen this many times with Mirtazapine, it affects the part of your brain like an antihistamine...and makes you never feel satisified or full, I've gained over 25 pounds and still going. He said when people get off of it, it's like a switch that goes off. I read somewhere someone said , You might as well smoke pot being on this medication, makes you eat and eat and eat! I have clonazepam for panic attacks which i rarley use.
Nancy: Yes, they did check my thyroid, I was wondering that as well!
Lynn: Im only on 7.5mg prednisone, so I dont know if that little of an amount could cause anxiety but as I'm finding out sometimes I'll never find out the answers, it's all a guessing game which DRIVES ME NUTS! I am the type of person that likes to know WHY something is happening to me. But I guess in the real world its not like the show "House" where there's a team of doctors behind closed doors working on just your case for hours and hours!
I spoke with my Psychiatrist yesterday. Basically he told me there are just some people more sensitive to medications and doesnt want to start me on an new anti depressant and cause more problems. Said to SLOWLY taper off of my current one, use clonazepam as needed and stay in congnitive behavioral therapy. I just hope this works. I know what everyones saying about it affecting your quality of life, it's awful. I never knew anxiety could cause so many problems and symptoms.
I really believe like several of you have said that RA is playing a role in this. I never had these problems before RA.
Thanks again guys! [QUOTE=Bodak] [QUOTE=Lynn49] Prednisone can cause panic attacks in some people.  It is an uncommon side effect, but it can and does happen...[/QUOTE]
Thank you Lyn, when I was 75mg of the stuff I was a complete wreck....

The first RD I had put me on an 80mg dose of pred and I was a crazy woman!  I look back at that time in disbelief!!!

Waddie  excuse me but my RA definitely causes panic attacks and anxiety and when i went on remicade i lost it.  most of our drugs cause anxiety.  pred does.  just not being able to do what you use to be able to do causes anxiety.  just knowing something extra is thrown in your day causes anxiety.   trust me RA causes this!!!!   dont worry it is normal.   try to stay as peaceful and pace yourself as much as possible.  it seems to help.  pm if you want  to talk in private   best wishes, wonderwomanthe longer you have RA the worse your anxiety gets at least this seems to be the case with me and the worse my RA is the least amount of stress i can handle.   i have had severe RA for 23 years and right now it is not the slightest bit under control.  i have to really pace myself.  i wish i could explain it better but ask you doctor for help.  when my RA is better under control my anxiety is better under control.  i hope this makes since.  so hoping soon i can have at least a few normal hours a day.  wonderwoman