Not sure if I have RA...need some advice | Arthritis Information


Hi there everyone,

Before I tell my story, I just want everyone to know that I'm not coming to this forum in place of medical advice.  I will be seeing a doctor for this issue, I just wanted to get the opinion of some folks who actually have RA.  Okay...end disclaimer. ;)
I'll try to keep this as brief as possible, but it'll probably end up being a book so I apologize in advance... ;)  Here's the situation.  I'm 24 years old, female, and have several autoimmune diseases already:  Type 1 Diabetes (20 years), Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism (about 14 or 15 years) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (just found out about it this year). 
About 3 months ago the inside of my left wrist started to hurt.  It was very tender to the touch and the inside of my wrist hurt when I twisted it.  I tried to ignore it and take aspirin, because honestly, I'm tired of going to the doctor lol.  But when my right wrist started to hurt in the exact same way about a month later, I went to the doctor because I was afraid it was some sort of complication of my Type 1 Diabetes.
So I went to the doctor, he sent me to a neurologist, got diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome (I sort of felt that it might be more than carpal tunnel though, because I felt my symptoms seemed more like Dequervain's tenosynovitis, but I didn't say anything because GOD FORBID I disagree with my doctor.)  He said I needed surgery, and I said I would like to physical therapy first, so I found a place that specialized in hands and went.
I had my first appointment last Monday.  I was diagnosed at the hand center with Dequervain's and mild carpal tunnel, but the main cause of the pain is Dequervain's.  So, when I looked up causes of Dequervain's, I found that one of the causes is RA.
So I google image search something like "Rheumatoid Arthritis Hands" and up come a bunch of pictures of hands that look just like mine!  I've always described my hands as "baby hands" - I am overweight but they've always seemed disproportionately fat looking.  Also, upon looking up other symptoms, a few other seemed to fit.  My ankles get REALLY swollen sometimes.  Both ankles.  And my hands also get swollen (more swollen than normal) to the point that the skin gets all tight and it hurts to make a fist.  Also, not sure if this could be related at all or not, but my calf muscles get extremely hard and rigid, and it gets really hard to walk sometimes.
Anyway, do you guys think I could have it?  I don't have any nodules, but could this be the beginning stages or something?  I just feel really weird asking my doctor about this because I feel like he's going to think I'm a hypochondriac, but I can't ignore this.  I'm going to ask my physical therapist about it tonight as well.
Thank you so much to anyone who has read this far and takes the time to respond!
Hi, Molly,
Welcome, though I'm sorry you have to be here.
Let me start off by saying that I'm Type 2 diabetic [possibly Type 1.5], Hashimoto's, and have PsA, DDD, OA, CPPD; RA and Ankylosing Spondylitis are negative according to tests, but highly suspect.
I hear you loud and clear about doctor visits - I"m so sick of them, too. I've learned the trick is to get them all on a quarterly schedule. My rheumatologist and endocrinologist are quarterly; ophthalmologist is semi-annually. Orthopedic surgeon is on an on-needed schedule. So I select four weeks out of the year for doctors' appointments [dentist, too] and if I'm scheduled to see one of them, they go into that particular week. This way it's a huge inconvenience for just 4 weeks out of the year. It's done a lot for my attitude to work it out this way.
Keep us posted and good luck!
Re the de Quervain's Release. I had the simple surgery almost three years ago and it's been a godsend. The key is to find an excellent hand surgeon [orthopedic surgeon]. Get his opinion before you do anything neurological, is my take on that.
In my case, my left wrist started hurting first - got puffy and swollen. Then Kenalog [cortisone] brought the swelling down. Not long after the right wrist did the same thing. Again, Kenalog worked. But the right wrist acted up again - more Kenalog. Maybe because I'm right-handed and use the mouse constantly. Finally there came a point where the Kenalog no longer worked. Orth surgeon diagnosed tenosynovitis and felt a de Quervain's Release would do the trick. It did. I've been problem free ever since.  I don't know that this is your problem, but it's worth checking into.
Yes, it could be, but it also could be something else entirely. I would get a referral to a good rheumatologist to rule out rheumatoid arthritis or to confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes it takes quite a long time to get a definitive diagnosis. That's why it is important to get the earliest start you can. Early aggressive treatment is important. If it is RA, I would urge you to do every thing you can to move and get in shape. Weight loss if needed, is very important to keeping mobile. Good luck.I'm with Island Woman.. yes, get the right tests.. find a good RD who will search til he finds what is going on.
I, too, was DX'd with carpel twice...... moderate both times..... both times when my RA quieted, so did the carpel...  Inflammation can mimic the carpel issues.. inflammation can push on the nerves.....
Last week I had a Ultrasound of my wrists where I saw the "tunnel" involved with no inflammation... I knew this because I have had no issues with that discomfort for quite a while now.
