New.... | Arthritis Information


Hi. I have been searching for information on RA and associated issues and came across this board. I recently went to the Dr with extreme foot pain x2 months and knee pain x3 weeks. He ordered xrays of both feet and both knees and they said that I have arthritis in my knees. Since I am only 32 he was somewhat concerned that I would have defined arthritis in my knees and started asking about family history. I have a niece with jra and he decided to test me. I had my follow up with him today and he said that my rheumatoid factor is positive and he is sending me to a rheumatologist. After looking online and reading so many stories I see things that I have experienced yet would not have connected really since I am not one to actually go to the dr unless I simply cant function and didnt go for previous pains. My questions are what to expect from the rheumatologist, does the rheumatoid factor positive/xrays/ and pain factors mean that this is ra?, and any advice in general would be great! I am a mother of 5 very active young ones and this is way slowing me down and simply annoying to be in pain for "no apparent reason".  Welcome, though sorry for  your diagnosis.

The good news is that the rheumatologist will have lots of treatments in his bag of tricks. Sometimes it takes a while to find the treatment that works best for you, and you may have to try a few treatments on for size in the beginning. But the point is to get the treatment so that you can halt the progression of the disease.
You might consider whether you want a conservative approach or an aggressive treatment strategy. The modern day thinking is to bring out the big guns and knock down the pain and inflammation fast so as to preclude damage. The drawback to this is that the drugs may not necessarily agree with you. My thinking is to give the aggressive approach a try and if the drugs seem troublesome, then dial it back a notch.
If, however, your rheumatologist wants to put you on Methotrexate, I would strongly suggest that you start with the lower dose and up the ante each week until you reach the desired dose. Sometimes clobbering the system with toxic drugs is more than the body wants to deal with.
Be open with your rheumatologist. 
There are a few members on this board with young kids and I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you how they cope with youngsters and the energy required to look after them. [Mel? Where are you?]

That's a great link for the first appointment....

Things to expect: A fairly long appointment (usually takes a while to get that first appointment so the doctor can have a free block of time) -- a thorough joint assessment -- lots of bloodwork - probably as much that first time as you've ever experienced. It is not unusual to experience a wait before getting a definitive diagnosis while doctor gets lab work, orders studies as he/she thinks warranted, etc. If diagnosed, you'll need to get familiar with the terminology, the drugs, the lab work etc. Be your own best researcher. Don't be afraid to have a dialogue with your doctor. If your doctor doesn't talk to you and answer your questions, that doctor needs to be fired and a new one found. NOTE: A positive RA factor doesn't necessarily mean you have RA. Good luck!Hi, Cann!! Having RA and young kiddos can be a challenge at times, but it's definitely do-able. When my littlest was smaller I had some difficulty, but now that he's a toddler he's starting to understand more that Momma can't do certain things. But that sucks too cause he knows I can't run after him! Hahaha! Little butthead. ;) Just don't beat yourself up over things you can't do. Always focus on everything you CAN do.
Having RA isn't the worst thing in the world (it's definitely not the best, ugh);with a good RD and proper treatment, you'll be back to being the jack of all trades. Might be a rollercoaster from time to time, but that's what we're here for. Hi Cannmama!!

don't turn your back on this disease.. it can and will take a hold of you and you'll find it hard to gt back.....

Follow the doctor .... aggressive treatment is the norm now...

Best of luck! 
I have an appt to see a rheumatologist next Monday. I was supposed to see one closer to us, but did a google search and found not so great reviews so I searched other drs in our insurance and found one with good reviews. Hope that helps get me off to a good start. Thank you all for the welcomes. I will try to keep you informed as I learn more.

I hope everything goes well for you and your questions are answered. Will be thinking about ya.  