Pred and Thyroxine anyone? | Arthritis Information


Is anyone here taking thyroid meds for Hashimotos hypothyroidism?  I seem to have my polymyalgia back again after two years and doc has prescribed prednisone.  However I am also taking thyroxine and altho doc didn't say anything about it, I now read that pred can interfere with thyroxine.  Thanks. Hi Chico, 

 I was diag, Dec 2005 with PMR.  I was 55.  At the time I went to Rheumy who noticed that my cholesterol was up and it had never been until the July 2005. In July I saw my cardiologist, as I have been on anti- hypertensive medication since I ws 34. He just said that I needed to start on cholesterol lowering med. I refused....most unlike me.

Then the rheumy noticed the raised cholesterol and said that was a symptom that my thyroid was giving up. He did an ultrasound of my thyroid gland, and blood test for thyroid and I had to start in thyroxine.  I thought it would cure the PMR, but I do not think I noticed a difference!!!

Now on thyroxine 75mgm and Lugols iodine as i had a severe iodine deficiency. Alternate doc found the iodine deficiency.

I am trying to say that the thyroid problem happened before the prednisone, but at the end , or during the tale end of menopause.

Going really well now and seeing rheumy today, and hoping to cease the imi methotrexate , but still on 2 1/2 mgmof prednisilone.

good luck, it is all difficult to deal with , and I can not believe that i had some shocker times in that 4 years.  Feel good. Hi Zali, sorry I didn't reply to this, somehow I missed it last week - I don't know what's the matter with me!  I also had cholesterol go up and I know now that hypothyroid causes this, even mild early thyroid disease.  Good on you for refusing the meds for that, as thyroid replacement will reverse the high cholesterol, altho it takes a while. Good that you are feeling better now.  Yes it's misery have multiple health issues AND menopause as well! 