So ... back on Enbrel | Arthritis Information


Sigh ... confused ... mixed up ... RD appointment today, he says apparently Cimzia started out great for me but isn't working out.  Too many new lumps and inflamed joints to call it a success.  I'm hesitant - extremely hesitant - to go on one of the IV therapies because of humongous insurance co-pays. 

He wants to put me back on Enbrel, which worked great for seven years.  My gut feeling is that the Cimzia hasn't had a fair shake.  I think the seeds of all these lumps and tendon nodules and all the other things that are turning me into a human coral reef began during my failed trial on Humira.  Not really asking for advice, just scratching my head??? I do have good days on Cimzia, much better than Humira.  He says you can go back on a former biologic after a break.

Worn out from wringing (well thinking of wringing) hands over it .... Thanks Waddie.  I'm tempted to just order more Cimzia from Caremark!!!!!good luck... I hope this time is the charm......  *crossedfingers*