Appetites Good or Bad | Arthritis Information


Hey guys and gals,

Just wondering if anyone has problems with eating correctly? I dont mean the right foods, Just whether or not you are even hungry or just a cycle the body goes through, some days (sometimes many together) I just am not hungry and other days I feel like im starving and could eat a horse.

The only problem I have is eating too much, but since I've always had this problem, I know it's not from the RA


I feel worse if I don't eat. I mostly eat loads of fruits and then have light meals here and there.  I make batches of muffins and brownies to have some good stuff, but I feel like I have less pain if I eat lots of raw foods.  I still eat meat, but not as much or as often.

My appetite is and always has been normal.


Until I started taking prednisone.......then all bets are OFF. 
I eat anything with sugar.... and A LOT of it.

sugar tastes SOOOOOOOOOOO good on prednisone.


i hate prednisone



When I am Sad--I eat!

When I am feeling great and all is right with the world--I eat!

When I am sick, cant get out of bed, depressed and totally stressed--I eat!

When dont I eat?  UUMMMM....well I dont eat when I am in the shower, or while I am sleeping...(although I do grab a bite from the fridge on my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night)

I could only be so lucky as to not have an appetite!  I eat even when I am not hungry!

I had a sweet tooth before prednisone.

Can't win at the moment.

When I'm in a flare, I don't want to eat. Nothing tastes good and it requires too much energy.

Prednisone however has made my appetite better in general.. unfortunately, it's not for the good foods. For me, food is a big problem. I've been FAT for most of my life. When I reach 300+ lbs., I stop getting on the scale. Finally,I went on a low fat diet and the lbs. came off. I had lost so much weight that people who had not seen me in several years, didn't know it was me until I started to talk. I finally could wear a size 14/16 but that was before RA.
Now I find that with the inactivity, I've gain back some weight. RA has made it hard for me to go up stairs, decorate my walls, get into the shower, anything where I have to lift my leg. Ankles are shot and my toes come to a point.
So, now, I try to watch what I eat as I don't want to go back to wearing tents! I eat whole grains, low fat or fat free foods, fresh fruit and a ton of vegs. But I can't give up the sweets. Have to have my cookies and Trader Joe's low fat marble tea cake. (TJ's cat cookies too). I've gone back to the old habit of eating as a way of comfort for my problems instead of dealing with the problem. However, after finding this wonderful place and all of my new friends, I've feel like, at last, I've found understanding and comfort.
   I'll still eat but now when I think that all is hopeless and I want to crawl into my shell with all of my favorite foods, I'll just turn on my PC and read what my friends have to say.
   Thanks for letting me get this out.

Yes I can honostly say that getting online keeps me from munching all night. I am sure it is because I am a better talker than a listener and here that translates into a lot of typing. It is kind of hard for me to shovel in the food if my hands are already busy!  If I lay around and watch TV then I eat. Everytime a commercial comes on I get a craving for what ever is being advertised!

I never had a sweet tooth untill around the same time I first noticed the RA symptoms.  I dont think it had to do with the RA as much as having kids. We buy snacks for them and so the temptation is right there in the pantry...or worse, and you moms know exactly what I mean:  When the kids dont finish their food and so you eat whats left on the plate, so as not to waste any food.  (You know all the starving Ethiopians) Yeah, all those PB&J crusts and leftover Pop-tarts add up over time!

